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Monday, March 8, 2010

Chapter 2 Summary

The Beggining of Chapter 2 started off with Mr. Avery Gaston driving Lily and Rosaleen to jail because Rosaleen spit on three white mens shoes. As they were driving, the three men started driving really close to the car and honking their horns and yelling at Lily and Rosaleen to try and scare them. They finally drove off and Mr. Gaston pulled of into an empty parking lot where the three men were waiting for them. Mr. Gaston guided Rosaleen out of the car and handcuffed her hands behind her back. The three men told her she better apologize, but she refused so the men proceeded to beat her face with a flashlight. After Rosaleen fell to the ground Mr. Gaston then stopped the men and he said, "Now's not the time." He then took Rosaleen and Lily to jail. Then T.Ray came to pick Lily up from the jail, but did not get Rosaleen. T.Ray was furious and told Lily that Rosaleen was stupid for spitting on those mens shoes and that they would probably kill her. She began to fear even more for Rosaleen and at the same time was furious at the fact that T.Ray left Rosaleen in jail. Lily finally snapped when T.Ray told her to wait in her room for her punishment. She said to him, "You don't scare me." After she said that he tried to hit her, but she turned her head and he missed. They argued back and forth and T.Ray told her that her mother never cared about her and when she was packing that day of the accident, she was plannng on leaving Lily alone with T.Ray. Lily was upset for awhile, but she finally came to the conclusion that T.Ray made that up because he wanted to punish her. Lily then had what she called, "a religous experience" and she said she heard a voice say,"Lily Melissa Owens, your jar is open." She then realized she needed to get away from T.Ray and get Rosaleen out of jail. So she packed up her stuff, with no plan of what she was going to do. The only thing she left was a brief note for T.Ray, which he was not happy to discover. As she was walking, brother Gerald offered to give her ride to the jail. But when she got there, Mr. Gaston said that Rosaleen had an accident. She fell and she was hospitalized. Lily knew what really happened and started yelling at him. When she got to the hospital, she snuck into Rosaleen's room in which she was not allowed in. Lily asked her what happened and she said that those three men had come back to get an apology from her, but still she refused. Lily convinced Rosaleen that they had to leave or those men would surely kill her. After that, Lily, being the good lier she is, snuck Rosaleen out of jail, they then started their trip to Tiburon. Lily wanted to head to Tiburon because that was what was written on the back of her mother's picture. They then hitched a ride to three miles outside of Tiburon with a black man who kindly gave then them cantalopes after he dropped them off. They found a peaceful spot by a creek to spend the night. There they ate their cantalope and talked about their plans, or should I say Lily's plans. The chapter ended with Lily and Rosaleen swimming in the creek. Lily was imagining the smell of cold cream and thoughts of her mother.

1 comment:

  1. It all started out when Rosaleen was going to go vote and she was stopped by the police and they took both of them to jail. But only rosaleen went to jail.and t.ray only Lily out and dint even get rosaleen
