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Monday, March 8, 2010

Themes for Chapters 1 & 2

There are quite a few different themes that can be used for Chapters one and two. One theme could be that the loss of a mother never leaves you, that there's always a gap there. This is shown by Lily always feeling like she's missing something and how the quest for learning more about her mother never ends.

Another possible theme for chapters one and two is that the main unifying force in a household is the mother. This is shown through Lily and how she craves to have a mother or a figure that is "motherlike". Its also shown through how she never really connects with T. Ray and keeps distant from him.

What other themes are displayed in Chapters one and two? Post one theme explaing why you choose this theme and how it relates to the story.


  1. A theme from Chapter 2 is the voting rights theme. When Rosaleen was being mistreated and the white man didn't want her to vote. It will always be discrimination. Standing up for her rights showed the men that she was tired of being disrespected.When she poured the spit on the man shoes wasnt her best actions, but she had to do something.

  2. Another theme is race in friendship. When Lily looks at Rosaleen she doesn't really see color except in the times where it clearly presents itself such as when Rosaleen is beaten and carried off to jail for proving that she is not a dumb, ignorant black. Rosaleen to Lily is that mother figure that Lily wants and needs in her life and Lily to Rosaleen is a child lost looking to fill in that gap that has been left in her life. They each compliment the other and color plays little to no factor in their relationship.

  3. A theme from chapter 2 was when Lily and Rosaleen went to the church, and the preacher commanded that Rosaleen leave due to her not being a white woman, and denying her a fan from the church.

  4. The voting rights was the theme of chapter 2. When Rosaleen was being mistreated by the white man trying to stop her from voting. It was always discrimination and she got tired of it and just had to stand up for something. She poured the spit on the man shoes, she then recived the biggest beating she ever had in her life. Nothing wrose then getting beat on by a person that really hates you or your kind.

  5. A theme for ch.1 is Lily Searching for beauty.Lily tried everything she could to make herself feel pretty,includin praying to her dead mother for some help.So a theme for ch.1 is Self-confidence

  6. When Lily looks at Rosaleen she doesn't really see color except in the times where it clearly presents itself such as when Rosaleen is beaten and carried off to jail for proving that she is not a dumb black person. Rosaleen Standing up for her rights showed the men that she was tired of being disrespected.When she poured the spit on the man shoes wasnt her best actions, but she had to do something.

  7. A theme for the book is lily searching for a mother figure. When they said she stayed up for the whole night just to make her hair look good< and the way she did her hair. If she had a mother who could relate to her but instead she has only T-Ray who doesn't understand to be a girl.

  8. One Theme from chapter 1 or 2 was how in the house hold lily and her t-ray for example. t-ray was a mean man that really never showed lily love or surpport. lily always felt that she was missing something. And how she was trying to find the truth about her monther and why she would really leave her and not take her. T-ray had her thinking that her mom didnt want her but she really did. so through life as a young girl lily wanted to feel the other half of what she was missing in life and that was a mom type of love or surpport like rosaleen showed her.so she was willing to find out the truth.

  9. The main theme for Chapter 1 and 2 is standing up for yourself. Both Rosaleen and Lily showed assertiveness by standin up for themselves in difficult situations. Lily stood up to T. Ray when she was explaining to him what happened to Rosaleen. She also stood up by not listening to what he said about her mother and leaving. Rosaleen stood up to the white men when they questioned her about where she was going. The gained a boost of confidence from the Voting Rights Act being passed.

  10. The theme of these chapters is standing for something. Lily, Rosaleen, and T. Ray all experience times where this needs to take place or has taken place.

    Lily has to learn to stand up to T. Ray and be her own person, whether its having her hair done or enjoying her free time. Eventually, she does stand up for herself by in a passive manner, running away. Rosaleen stands up for herself on the day blacks received the right to vote, which was commendable since she knew there would be comnsequences but she still did it. On the other end of the spectrum, T. Ray does not stand up for himself, he allows Rosaleen (his black worker) control his house and him. So, everyone has a situation when they should have or had stood up for themselves.

  11. Demetruce "Meat Boi" McNealMarch 8, 2010 at 10:28 AM

    The voting rights was the theme for chapter 2.It took place when the white man was trying to keep her from voting after mistreating Rosaleen. After doing all of that she tried get her pay back from the white man by pouring her spit juice on the white mans shoe. That was bad on her part because she recieved a beating she would never forget.

  12. Another theme from the story is the one from Chapter 2; about friendship. Lily doesn't really treat Rosaleen any different from the next person of her color. In those times, whites and blacks weren't each others' favorite people. Laws were being passed at the time put racism to an end. Lily treats Rosaleen as more of a mother-figure. She sees past the skin color.

  13. The theme from chapter 2, is when Lily stood up to T.Ray when she was telling him what happened to Rosaleen. She stood up to him even more when T.Ray minchin her mothers name. She got very mad when T.Ray told her that her mother couldn't stand her & that she left.

  14. A theme from Chapter 2 was when Lily & Rosaleen went to church & the preacher demanded that Rosaleen leave due to her not being a white & denying her a fan from the church. Which was not right on the preachers half because he is suppose to be a man of god & the color of a persons skin should not matter.

  15. The main theme for chapters 1 and 2 is that Lily needs to stand up for herself and make sure that T-Ray doesnt mess with her any more. She needs to learn how to enjoy herself and have a good time. Eventually, se comes around and take up for what she believe she need to do in these times. Also what could be another theme from chapters 1 and 2 is Lily having a motherlike figure in her life.

  16. One theme is when Lilly do something wrong or get T-Ray mad. T-Ray threatens to go get the grits out. Another theme is that Lilly is attached to Rosaline, that Lilly would out of her way to save or help Rosaline. Cause Lilly treats Rosaline like her mother.

  17. one of the themems is voting rights. when rosaleen was beening mistreated when she was trying to vote... after this happen she got mad and poured the spit on the man shoe... that didint help nothing because she got a beating and was put in jail

  18. One theme is when Lilly do something wrong or get T-Ray mad. T-Ray threatens to go get the grits out. Another theme is that Lilly is attached to Rosaline, that Lilly would out of her way to save or help Rosaline. Cause Lilly treats Rosaline like her mother.

  19. The theme fro this chapter is wen Lily does not relly treat Rosaleen different from anybody else. She is searching for a mother,t-ray had her thinkin that her mother dint wannt her it was jus a matter of time.So with everything being said the theme is self-confidence.

  20. I think Rosaleen is a mother figure for Lily. In chapter 1 the chicken left droppings all over the floor which made T-Ray mad. He threatens to boil the chicken and fire Rosaleen. Lily didn't want the chicken to be boiled. So Rosaleen stood in front of T-Ray and told him he wasn't touching that chicken. Now that Rosaleen is he jail there is no one protecting Lily from T-Ray. I think this is one of the reasons Lily has to go try to get her out of jail. Another thing is that, T-Ray doesn't give Lily the love she deserves like Rosaleen does. This is another reason Lily can’t stay with T-Ray for much longer.

  21. A theme in the story can be friendship because lilly look pased rosaleen color because shes like the mother she never had and when she got locked up she went to go see her and they both went to north Carolina

  22. The Theme from Chapter 1, when Lilys mother and t-ray was aruging and the mother was trying to leave, t-ray shouted at lily "get in your room!" lily could here the shouting and crying she saw her mother glad a gun from the closet and waving it around t-ray snatched it away from her the gun on the floor lily blending over to get it and pointed the gun, with its loud explosion a life was taking

  23. in chapter one the theme that I chose was when Mrs. Henry gave lily some books to study and all T Ray did was dog her about trying to read and getting in to college

  24. One theme from chapter one is when Rosaleen & Lily went to jail. Rosaleen was encounter by three white men & they ask her what she was doing. She respond & said that she was going to register her name so she can vote. They offend some kind of way & she pour tobacco spit on the three men shoes.

  25. A continuous theme i saw in chapter one was when lily kept refering to her mother she has a love for her mother that may not be reciprocated.

  26. A theme for The Secret Life of Bees could be confinement. In chapter 1 Lily and her father T Ray seem to be confined to the town of Sylvan. Lily also may be psychologically cut off from T Ray and is only vaguely attached to Rosaleen. The last example of confinement could be T Ray making Lily work at the Peach Stand on the side of the highway.

  27. As a child, Kidd, like Lily, also had a nanny who habitually chewed snuff. She attributed a few traits and sayings from her own nanny to Rosaleen. Although the author wasn't forced to kneel on grits as punishment, both she and Lily share the same disaffection for them.

  28. Jacquavious EgglestonMarch 8, 2010 at 12:09 PM

    The theme from chapter 1 was when Lily continued to have lots of thoughts about her mother.She had plenty thoughts about her mother that she couldn't figure out.

  29. As a child, Kidd, like Lily, also had a nanny who habitually chewed snuff. She attributed a few traits and sayings from her own nanny to Rosaleen. Although the author wasn't forced to kneel on grits as punishment, both she and Lily share the same disaffection for them.

  30. When Lily was running away and she decide to recues Rosaleen.It was a classic theme of not wantint to depart with someone that your most close to.Whether its with a object or human your going to do everything thats possible to have it accompany you on your journey.

  31. A Theme is when lily lost her mother and needed a mother figure. She didn’t have anyone to teach her how to do her hair. She rolled her hair up with cans. She didn’t have no one to talk about cheerleading with and help her with her cycle. If she had a mother figure she would know how to do her hair and have someone to talk to.

  32. A theme from chapter one or two is when Lily wants to go to Charm School but she cant beacuse she don't have a mother to sign her up. Rosaleen can't sign her up cause she's not her mother.

  33. Matthew M. MerrittMarch 8, 2010 at 12:16 PM

    I think the most important theme is the way T-Ray treats Lily. She is his daughter. He treats her as if she is a slave. He does not have any respect for her. She feels like she is a nobody.

  34. Cortez Mos ' Flyy Sailor$$March 8, 2010 at 12:17 PM

    A theme I found was that Rosaleen was exercisinq her freedom . While doinq so she was arrested but her act to qet arrested was justified .

  35. Camisha BillingsleaMarch 8, 2010 at 12:18 PM

    Theme from Chapter 2
    Don’t be naïve. If someone says something to harsh to you, it probably would be a good time to second guess yourself. Like when T. Ray told Lily that her mother didn’t want her, she actually thought about it and told herself that a mother wouldn’t do such a thing without feeling any guilt.

  36. A theme in chapter one was when lily kept saying she had a love for her mother that couldnt be gotten back.

  37. A theme in chapter ont is how Lily wants to be free from T.Ray. A line to support this is when T.Ray is shouting at lily saying that as long as Lily lives under his roof she'll do as he says, and she thinks 'Then I'll find another roof'. I belive that shows how much Lily wants to get away.

  38. A theme from the book is the voting rights part. When Rosaleen was being harrast. an in a act of freedom she poured her snuff spiton the man shoes. just to get locked up an beaten.

  39. Lily Is looking for a mother figure. Her mother is not there she want to have someone that can take care of her and do girl things. Everybody want there mother around.

  40. A theme in chapter 1 is how Lily’s mother is dead and this shows queenlessness in the home. Lily is a little girl but she doesn’t so little girl things, she has responsibilities of a boy. She doesn’t get to look like a little girl as far as getting her hair done and just regular things that girls should do she doesn’t.

  41. A theme for the chapters 1 and 2 is when Lily would go out to the orchard and dig for her mother's things at night. The only way she felt closer to her mother was when she would put her mother's gloves on and held the picture of the black virgin mary in her hands.

  42. A theme for chapters one and two would be equality.This is shown by voting rights or how Lily looks at Rosaleen as mother and without seeing her skin color.All she see is the person who has raised her.

  43. A Theme for chapter 1 and 2 is when Rosaleen was being mistreated and the white man didn't want her to vote. It will always be discrimination. Standing up for her rights showed the men that she was tired of being disrespected.

  44. A theme from chapter one or two is lily is trying to find go more about her mom to see what her dad is telling her is really true

  45. A theme for chapters 1and 2 would equality keeps everything fair. Back then whites had more priviledges then blacks. they were only allowed to do what they were told. When they got the opportunity to do alot of the things whites did not like it and it caused much trouble. Like when rosaleen poured her snuff on the man shoes. If things were equalized that whole incident would have never took place

  46. As a theme for ch.2 racism would a theme.Racism is good theme because many people believed thatt to that freedom many people had to fight for what we have today.

  47. Racism is the theme. All Rosaleen wanted to do was vote but racism stood in her way. Ironically, she went to jail, had her freedom taken, instead of voting, exercise her right of freedom.

  48. One theme in chapter one or two was " The loss of a mother can never leave you". This means that trying to learn more about her mother will never end, or that there is always a space where her mother should be

  49. Chapter one theme is that ( the loss of your mother will never leave you). Lily will always be missing something and that the search of her learining more about her mother will never end. She will aolways have a gap in her where her mother should be and it may or may not be filled.

  50. the theme i think fits most wit chapter 1 & 2 is that a mothers love and presence is needed in life. A prime example is lily who finds herself to be different from other girls and doesnt quite fit in. She feels like she needs a mother figure to prosper or to be happy, which is a reason i feel she hangs so close to rosaleen. Rosaleen is like the only mother she has ever known and has made it in life this far because of her.

  51. The Theme is standing up for yourself. Roslean stood up for herself, when the white man told her she was stupid and she did not know how to spell her name. She then wanted to show the white man that she was not stupid,in fact mite have been smarter than him. This was at a very painfull cost when she was beaten by the white man because whe would not say sorry. Lily stood up to T.ray in when she spoke what she thought he should about rosaleen and why she did it. She then ran away because she knew what she thought was right and had to take action.
