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Monday, March 22, 2010

What do you think will happen to Lily?

Now that we're half way through the book, make some predictions about how you think the book will wind up.


  1. I think at the end of the book she still wont respect T-Ray just because everthing she been through.

  2. Lily will most likely find the answers that she is looking for from the sisters. She will also be forced to make amends with her past (T. Ray) before she can officially move towards the life that she has always hoped for.

  3. i think that lily and rosaleen will find new life with the Calender,lily will tell them who she is and who her mother is and the Calender sister will love and care for her deeply

  4. One prediction i believe well happen is Lily will find out that, what T-Ray was saying about her mother leaving her was true, or she will bring it up again in the story.

  5. I think that Lily is goin to end up telling the sisters the truth about why her and Rosaleen came their house. Lily will find out information about her mother and why she left when she comes clean about everything. I predict that Lily and Rosaleen will end up living and working with the sisters for good.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Later in the story she will find out more about her mother and have a better life with the Calender Sisters.As long as T. Ray doesn't find her.

  8. I think Lily is going to find out some information about her mother. i also think she is going to tell the calander sisters the truth about why her and Rosaleena are really there.

  9. In my opinion i think what will happen is she will find out more about her mom and end up staying with them as long as she can just until her father know where she is. so her and rosaleen would be with them til the end.

  10. I predict that Rosaleen and Lily would end up meeting back up with T-Ray. Lily might come a little further in her investigation of finding out about her mother. I think that she'll get all the answers that she have been looking for, or atleast die trying.

  11. In the end Some One Will DIE!!!! No but seriously I predict that rosaleen moves on and becomes some kind of spiritual figure in lily's life as she moves back home with Tray and the Motherly image she has of her mom will be replaced with Rosaleen.

  12. In the end Lily will find out the information thats been looking for about her mother. Rosaleen when would become her mother an that they will live a good life.

  13. I think in the end of the book i believe that Lily will find all of the answers that she is searching for. She may lose respect for T. Ray because of all she has been put through. Maybe even move in with Rosaleen

  14. Since we are half way in the book. I think that lily will have lots to offers to herself as a person not caring about the man who put here in the prediction that she is in. Having her think that she killed her mom. Since rosaleen was her keepper takin place of her mother she feel nunthiong toward her. She is going to find out things that she have been askin her self one why is she the only one who see the bees. And she will move away to a better life.

  15. she going to find out about her mother and what the lady on the honey symbolize. she goin to see how whit people treat people with color if they go to the movies.

  16. believe that lily find out more about her mother and have a better life with the Calendar Sisters and she would be satisfied because she would know everything she needed to know.

  17. I think that by the end of the story Lily will finally be happy, and will not have to be bothered with the abuse from T-Ray. I also think that she will find out the truth about her mother and her reason for leaving and the actual reason for her coming back before she was killed.

  18. In the Lily will finally be at peace.She'll have everything she needs to be happy. Lily will finally get the truth behind the reason her mother was leaving.T.Ray will no longer be a part of her life.

  19. Since we are halfway in the book I think that, lily is going to stay wit the sisters. Lily has the life she want without t ray. T ray was just a bad dad and ruthless. Lily would tell them the real story and why she really ran away from home.

  20. My predictions are that Lily and June will finally make an connection and then all the drama lily and Rosaleen never mentioned will come out. This will cause a big argument and they all will fall out but in the end they will find a resolution and look past all the negativity. The ending of the book the Boatwright's will have 2 new family members. Lily will discover that she killed her mother but will be relieved that it was an accident.

  21. Since we are half way in the book. I think that lily will have lots to offers to herself as one person not caring about the man who put here in the prediction that she is in. Having her think that she killed her mom. Since rosaleen was her keepper takin place of her mother she feel nunthiong toward her. She is going to find out things that she have been askin herself one why is she the only one who see the bees. And she will move away to a better life.

  22. August will tell her somethings about her mom and Lily will come out with the truth.And i believe that they would end up staying with the calender sisters

  23. In my opinion I think that Lily will start to understand why T-Ray doesn't want her to worry about her mother and wonder why she left. But the way Lily feel about him isn't going to change because of all the thing that he has done in the past and it wiil take a little more time for her to forgive him.

  24. I think that Lily and Rosaleen will come and tell the Calendar sisters the real reason that they came to their house, Lily will find out more information about her mother, and when it come down Lily and Rosaleen will end up staying with that Calendar sisters.

  25. I think that Lily will run into T-Ray again. I think that they will face each other, and talk about the real truth behind her mother. I also think Lily will continue to live with the sisters.

  26. I think that Lily will run into T-Ray again. I think that they will face each other, and talk about the real truth behind her mother. I also think Lily will continue to live with the sisters.

  27. i think that lily will finally get a chance to see how it fills to have a mother.then t ray will find out were she is and try to take her back with her.

  28. I think that after awhile Lily will have to tell the truth. She should have more troubles and worries during the story. Also I think she will develop stronger relationships with the Boatwright sisters and Rosaleen.

  29. Cortez Mos ' Flyy Sailor$$March 23, 2010 at 12:17 PM

    I think her relationship w/ the ' Calendar Sisters ' will qet closer . & she will eventually find out more about her mother .

  30. At the end of the book, I feel that Lily will find out somethings about her mother that was good that she didn't know about. Lily father will probaly come after her to bring her home with him. Lily might not want to come home because she loves being there with the sisters because they take real good care of her and raise her right.

  31. I think she will find the answers about her mother from the Calendar sisters and settle the score with T. Ray.

  32. I think she will come clean about her story and telll August. And I think she will get answers and will finally be satisfied.

  33. Jacquavious EgglestonMarch 23, 2010 at 12:25 PM

    I think that Lily will eventually stand up to T.Ray and not let him treat her wrong anymore.Also I think she will find out who her mother is.

  34. My prediction about the book is that since Lily and Rosaleen have run away I think that Lily will find all the information she wanted to know about her mother. I think that since she has met August and here sisters she won’t leave there cause of how she feel a mother figure being around them.

  35. lily will eventually have to come out and tell the truth. she will have to also here the truth about her mother evan if what her father said about her mother was true. she will be able to deal with it an live with them until she's old enough to move out on her on.

  36. I think Lily will end up staying with the sisters at the house and starting her life over. I also think she will talk to T-Ray and get to the bottom about her mother. And I think Lily will never accept T-Ray again about how he treated them.

  37. I believe that lily find out more about her mother and have a better life with the Calendar Sisters and she would be satisfied because she would know everything she needed to know.

  38. I think that lily and rosaleen are going to continue staying with the Calendar sisters. I also think that T Ray is going to find out where they are at. But lily and rosaleen isnt going to get in trouble and lily is going to find out about her mother..

  39. At the end of the book T-Ray will end up finding Lily and leting her stay with the calender sisters. Lily will have to tell them the real reason that she came to their house which is that she came to find out about her mother. T-Ray will end up telling the real truth about her mother,why he lied, and what Lily reallt means to him.

  40. I think that Lily is going to eventually get caught.And she is going to find out that what T Ray said about her mother was really true.

  41. I think that lily will find out what T-Ray said was true and she will have no choice but to go home or eventually stay with august.
