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Monday, March 22, 2010

Chapter 3 Class Discussion

For chapter 3, we would like to revolve our discussion about as to whether Lily was a good person or a bad person? Was Lilly stealing the snuff for Rosaleen a good thing to do or not and did it has a purpose? What makes a person good or bad? Are there different degrees of stealing? (Remember the fans in the church from chapter 2)

Please develop the aforementioned questions into at least one detailed paragraph.


  1. I believe that Lily is a good person. Sure, she did a few bad things such as stealing snuff and running off with Rosaleen, but it was all for good reason. It may be no better than a person stealing just because they like it although you can't help but to understand exactly why she's doing it. I feel that it's not so much the person's actions as much as it's there reasons that determines if that person is good or bad. Her choices were wrong but her reasons were understandable which makes me believe that she is truly a good person. There can be different degrees of stealing although naturally it is wrong to do.

  2. I believe Lily is a good person, because even though her steal the snuff was wrong it was still for the right reason. Lily believe that Rosaleen earned it for taking that beating of hers. A good person is someone who helps out even if they are going at it the wrong way, and yes there are degrees of stealing. There is the fans that are a slap on the hand and then the big ones like robbing a bank.

  3. I dont think Lily is a bad person. Yes it is wrong to steal and lie but she is doing these things under the circumstances that her and Rosaleen are in. Stealing the snuff was very thoughtful of Lily. Rosaleen had been through alot and she did deserve the snuff. There are different degrees of stealing. For example, if you have a child and you cant afford to buy food or pampers for your child then I believe it is ok. But in other circumstances where you are jus stealing just to do it then that is totally wrong.

  4. I think that lily is a good person, I don't really approve of her actions, but if you really think about it Lily was doing the right thing.It is wrong to steal but if you have a good reason its not that bad. Lily was so infactuated in getting the snuff for Rosaleen.To me its understanable, what she did.

  5. I believe Lily is a good person.Even though she did a few bad things, she did them for the right reason.I cant tell what makes a person good or bad simply put to each its own.

  6. Lily isn't a person at all, but shw was wrong for stealing the snuff. She only did it because of the perdicument she is in. She's unable to pay for anything right now. She felt that Rosaleen needed it, she was only looking out for her. She had purpose for stealing the snuff, it wasn't just because. It's like a mother trying to feed her children.

  7. In chapter 3,In a wat it could be a good thing but its not,the reason i said it could be because during this time rosaleen didnt have anything but lily. lily knew that she coulnt take anything or she would either be beatin or dead and she didnt want that to happen to her , yes it has a purpose.

    What makes a good or bad person is its way in treating some one and its way of thinking, and personality and how that person see life.
    In my opinion yes then no because some people steal just to and some do it because they either have to or need to.

  8. Stealing is usually never a good thing to do but, in my eyes, there are reasons why people do it. To Lily and those that feel for her, the fact that she stole doesn't really bother them as much as a person the opposing side. I think that Lily stealing the snuff was not really a bad thing because it served a good purpose. They were in dire need of something to eat, after traveling so far. There are many factors to think on when deciding if a person would be considered good or bad; things such as everyday habits and a person's state of mind. To me, there a many different degrees of stealing, depending on who's to judge. Stealing, with reasonable cause, usually give's a person sympathetic judgement but if a person shows no remorse, then they'll usually get no sympathy. You just have to really understand a person, in the situation, before deciding.

  9. chapter 3, lily is not a bad person she stole the snuff for rosaleen because she wanted her to be happy.well anybody can be a bad person or a good person its the things you do that make you a bad or good person.

  10. Lily is a bad person, she didnt steal snuff just to steal it. Lily like rosaleen have been threw so much as in being beaten, goin to jail and being disrepected,s o she thought that she has deserved it. Now as far as stealing go, i mean yes it is wronge, but in the sense that it was for Rosaleen. She felt like it was her job to get the snuff because she asked for it, she thought at last after all she been threw she could get that, so lily didnt steal in a wronge way, it wasnt for good either she stole out of her love for Rosaleen.

  11. In my opinion, Lily is a good person. I feel as though her lost sense of identity causes her to do things that are normally frowned upon. I look at her situation with a sympatehetic eye because she only does dissatisfactory things for a good cause. Like, she stole the snuff as a gift for Rosaleen and she only ran away because she was unhappy with T. Ray. Yes, Lily does do awful things but she is not an awful person.

  12. Lily stole the snuff for rosaleen because what she has been through and because of the situation they are in.i dont think she is a bad person because of whatshe had done. lily did it off of survial instinct not because she just wanted to or out of greed.

  13. It was a good thing, Lily showed Rosaleen her unity and loyalty when she brought Rosaleen the snuff. Her purpose for bringin the snuff was to help take the pain away. Lily is a good person, she's young and has a good heart, and wants to be loved by a mother figure.

    What makes a person good is having a genuwine heart, caring and not being selfish to others. I dont believe in different degrees in stealing, but some steal for the adrenaline rush and others steal because its their only means of survival.

  14. I do not believe lily is a bad person at heart. i do believe some of the things she did may not have been good things but as a person i dont believe she is a bad person. As far as her stealing the snuff for rosaleen i think she did it because she knew rosaleen wasnt feeling to happy about running away from the hosp[ital and she felt bad for her because the men had beat her up. i think lily felt rosaleen needed tyhe snuff and felt it would make her alil bit happy giving the situation they were in. i think doin bad things for no reason and not thinking about the wellfare of others makes up a bad person. lily in this case was a victim so some of the bad things she did like running to august and lying to her was because she was afraid of goin back to the abusive life she had. How much of a bad person can lily be if she risked her own life to rescue rosaleen a simple nigger to most. Her intentions are good at heart.

  15. I think Lily isnt a bad person. i think that stealin the snuff for rosaleen was bad and good. it was bad because stealin is jus bad peeriod but she did for a good reason. what makes a person good or bad are the choices they choose to make and how kind they are to people. stealin is stealin but there r diffrent degrees like stealin a sucker n robbin a bank

  16. Lily is not a bad person because in the right circumstance presented itself, who wouldn’t do it. She thought Rosaleen went thru so much already that she deserved to get a little treat so she stole the snuff, but she did say she would go in the morning to pay the man if need be. If we have a family to take care of and the legal way is not a option we still at the end of the day have to feed our family so we have to steal a little. It is degrees to stealing like robbing a bank is way different from stealing some candy out the store.

  17. stealing in general is bad especially if your doing it just to do it. i think lilys intentions were good to get the snuff for rosaleen because she felt bad, but it was still wrong. i could see if your were stealing something that you couldnt afford such as food, but if you can afford it theres no reason for it to be stolen. your not necessary a bad person if you steal but its not a good look. it is different degrees to stealing because if its a continuous thing then that makes you a bad person but if you do it for a purpose then its not so bad, everybody makes mistakes.

  18. Lily and rosaleen needed food to eat, so lily had to steal some snuff, for rosaleen. so lily is really not a bad person because im pretty sure she didnt steal jus to steal. she did it for a reason and im sure she was gone pay the man back. but lily had no money. and she stole some snuff for rosaleen because i guess she felted bad that she had got abused and got sent to jail so that was one of the reasons. so lily didnt steal jus to be bad and steal. it wasnt for a good reason and wasnt for a bad reason.

  19. Demetruce "MeatBoi" McNealMarch 22, 2010 at 10:23 AM

    Lily is still a good person in everybody's eyes because she is still a white girl at the end of the day and white people wasn't considered as a bad person back in the days of the Civil Rights Act. Her stealing the stuff the for Rosaleen wasn't a bad move at all because it was hard for black people in those days and for her as a white girl to make that sacrifice for a black woman in those days she is good person in my book and with good reason.

  20. lily is really not a bad person because had to steal some snuff, for rosaleen. im pretty sure she didnt steal jus to steal. she did it for a reason and im sure she was gone pay the man back. but lily had no money. and she stole some snuff for rosaleen because i guess she felted bad that she had got abused and got sent to jail so that was one of the reasons. so lily didnt steal jus to be bad and steal. it wasnt for a good reason and wasnt for a bad reason.

  21. I believe Lily is a good person.Even though she did a few bad things, she did them for the right reason.I cant tell what makes a person good or bad simply put to each its own.

  22. I believe Lily is a good person but at times does the wrong things to help people. Stealing the snuff from the store was not a good thing to do but she probably stole it to help Rosaleen. An besides they were hungry from all the traveling they did. What makes a person good or bad is their actions. There are different degrees to stealing but it is still stealing no matter what.

  23. in my opinion lily is being a good person because she got rosaleen out of jail.lily stealing the snuff for lil wasnt really a good thing but she looked out for rosaleen which was a good thing.stealing is stealing which is not a good thing so therfore lily was being a bad person to a certain extent.

  24. Lilly is definitly not a bad person because she stole from the store for Rosaleen. Lillys intentions were not to come to toe store and steal, so i think that her actions were justified when she took the snuff. She said that one day she would indeed send one dollar to the store years from now because her guilt would build up over the years. This shows that Lilly had a reasonable purpose for stealing and it was definitly not in vain.

  25. Lily is good person. I see her as a child and children sometimes do thing that just make you scratch your head. I do believe there are different degrees of stealing. To rob a bank is completely different from stealing little church fans. Lily stealing the snuff for Rosaleen was her just doing what she thought was right.

  26. Either way it goes, stealing is stealing. There is no degree of stealing. Lily stole the stuff because Rosaleen needed and she was feeling sorry for her. Stealing the stuff doesn't make lily a bad person. But she should know that stealing is wrong. And if she was caught, there is no way she could defend or even justify what she did. Plus, she an away form home. If the police had arrested her for stealing, T-Ray would have eventually found her. She might not know it, but she took a big risk in stealing that stuff. To sum it all up, stealing is stealing.

  27. Lily isn't a bad person, its jest that what she been through & what she had to put up with T.Ray.Lily stole the the snuff because Rosaleen was hungry. Yeah its a bad thing cause its stealing, but it was a good thing due to fact that they were hungry. what makes a good person is how they were raised & what they were taut not to do. what makes a bad person is what they see in life as they grow up. Not been tened to as a child. Neglected an not been attened to.

  28. I Believe that Lily is a good person at heart even though she has lied, ran away, & stolen some items(fans,snuff, etc.) but it was for a good cause. I mean just because its for good doesnt make it right and nobody is perfect. There are people in this world who steal just because of the thrill/adrenaline of it but its still wrong either way..there are variety of ways to decide if a person is good or bad. There are differnet degrees of stealing but it usually depeneds on the situation & who's to judge cause everyone has their on opinions. There is stealing with a solid/reasonable cause behind it, srtealing for greed, stealing for the thrill but either way people are still going to label you as a criminal or a theif.

  29. I believe that Lily is a good person. Even even though she stole snuff from the store. I wouldn't concider her a thief because she only stole one thing. But stole the snuff for Rosaleen because of the incident she had with one of the white men. Its like another way of I'm sorry.
    A good person is someone that will help anybody that needs help & would put people before them. A bad person wold be the opposite. they would only think about themselves & would not try to help anyone in need. There are degrees of stealing. I thing the worst is robbing people of the things they earn because the person that is stealing don't want to work for it.

  30. Lily is a good person because if she wasnt a good person she wouldve left rosaleen in the hospital and she got her out and they traveled to the northern part of north carolina

  31. I think lily is good person, but she does the wrong things for the right reasons. Like breaking Rosaline out of jail cause she is a friend. Stealing the snuff was a bad thing to do because she could have got caught and got them is real trouble. And Rosaline would have gone back to jail. What makes a person a good person that you care for another person that need help and you would go out of your way to help that person. Any stealing is a bad thing.

  32. The minds of children are similar to that of putty waiting to be molded into something beautiful; we as children represent the blank canvas, and our parents are our Vincent van Gogh. Lily being at a tender age of ignorance and having learned nothing at all follows instinct. Her father, planting seeds of tolerance and not love, forces Lily to tend to her own needs neither based off finance or love; but her will to survive for human affections. Lily acting out and being a misguided child doesn't make her a bad person nor does it make her good. Lily’s character leaves the audience confused on what kind of character she portrays. Our initial mindset, as the audience, is to look at Lily with a sympathetic heart and tearful eyes'. Thievery is frowned upon regardless of the culprit and their circumstances. The author, in personal opinion, is using the audience’s common ignorance to have such a sympathetic eye for Lily and Rosaleen to justify their actions throughout the story. If they had of stole out of hunger, poverty, and abuse the audience would have justified the characters’ actions from the beginning. Lily stole so often that it became second nature. Good or bad comes with territory, power, and respect. Your classified by actions whether their good or not. Lily and Rosaleen made both good and bad decisions throughout the story in order to better their own lives. There are no degrees of thievery, there are good choices and bad choices; no matter the case every human being develops knowing right from wrong.

  33. Lily is a good person she gotten Rose and herself alway from t-ray she has gotten food and shelter for rose and herself. Stealing the items that Rose needed i wouldn't say it was a bad thing nor would i say it was wrong,but being beaten halfway to death and homeless for awhile i believe she deserve her stuff. Defining a bad person is a person thats does something without a reason, a good person is a person that does somwthing because of a reason ior to help another indiviual. There are many degrees of stealing, stealing can be robbing a person or it can be helping a person.

  34. Stealing is wrong no matter how you look at it. I think the reason why Lily stole the snuff for Rosaleen was because she felt bad for her. I wouldnt consider Lily bad person for this, because she did it out of her love for her, but i still think it was wrong to steal, if she was caught she mightve had to face some serious consequences by T-Ray.

  35. Lily was a good person for what she did. Though stealing is a bad thing to do it was for the right cause. Lily is doing what she has to, to survive. Lily has qualities of a mother, she is kind, caring, and will do anything for a loved one. LIly may seem like a bad person but put yourself in her shoes then answer the question.

  36. Lily is a good person even though she stole the stuff for Rosaleen she it for a reason there is always a reason to a persons action wheather it's right or wrong,a person that come to help you when you in trouble is a good person whether whatever they do to help you is right or wrong,but Rosaleen deserve these things she have been through alot and it was nice for Lily to return the love

  37. I honestly believe Lily is a good person.All of her "bad" decisions had a justified reason behind them.It may not have been a good thing that she stole it but she stole it for a good reason.I you were in her place you would do it too.

    She had been taken care of by Rosaleen since the death of her mother.She wanted to in return do something nice for her.Although stealing is not a good thing at times a person may have to.So yes there are different degrees of stealing.

  38. I believe that Lily is a good person.You can tell that she like to help people out and dont like to see them in no kind of harm.I believe just because she stole the snuff that doesnt make her a bad person.And yea it was kinda a purpose of her stealing because in them days it was hard for blacks to get wat they need.And by her being white they wasnt really going to be eyeing her.A person is classified as good or bad from maybe there pass or most of the time their apperance.No there is no such thing as different degrees of stealing.I mean stealing is stealing.No matter wat your stealing for.If you get caught you cant tell the cops you was stealing cause you was hungry cause your going to get the same treatment as someone who was just stealing cause they wanted to for no reason.

  39. Lily has overcome the things that she has to do to survive on her own. Walkin own her side was the one and only rosaleen.being the caren person but she needed it at that time. lily is a still good person to me she has been though so much. A good person is a person who cares about others. I dont think its nun stealing is stealing no matter how you do it.

  40. I dont think Lily is a bad person. Yes it is wrong to steal but she is doing it because she really doesnt have anything. There are different degrees of stealing.I believe stealing is WRONG either way it goes. The person your stealing from might really need the profit from the merchandice.

  41. I think Lily is a nice person. She may have a tendency to lie for what she wants but who hasn't right? She stole the snuff for Rosaleen because she wanted to do something nice for her.

  42. In my opinion Lily is not a bad person. Eventhough she stole snuff and ran off with Rosaleen it was all for a good reason. What Lily did was actually not a good thing or a bad thing because she was just trying to help Rosaleen and if Lily felt as if stealing would help better things for her and Rosaleen she is going to do what she has to do in order to survive.

  43. Lily was a good person because she looked out for Rosaleen despite what color she was all of that didn't matter. It was good because Rosaleen couldn't go into the store and she really needed it so lily took it for her.The thing that makes a person good is loyalty and what makes them bad is betrayal. There are different degree of stealing for example Lily stole the snuff for rosaleen because she couldn't go in the store.

  44. I dont think lily is wrong for taking the snuff for rosaleen because she was taking care of her when they stayed with lily's dad. so its only fair for lily to help her when she needs it. but its not right to steal no matter what's the reason. And no i dont think she is a bad person.I dont think its a degree of stealing because you still go to jail for it no matter how small or big it is.

  45. I think that lily isn't a bad person, but stealing is bad no matter who it is. I understand that she felt bad for rosaleen, but if she was caught by the store clerk, all hopes of escaping T-Ray would fail and T-Ray would beat her to sleep or worse. So even though she did what she did, i still think she is a good person.

  46. Lily was a positive person, yet at times she had her down moments but overall lily was a good person indeed. Lily had to sacrifice a like that was why she had to steal and do other deceitful things to live.

  47. I think that lily is a good person because she try to do whats right all the time. Lily stole the snuff for a good reason because rosaleen needs her tobacco. A good person wouldn't just be thinking of themselves all the time. So i guess thats why she stole it but it wasn't just for her. No there are no degrees of stealing. Stealing is stealing

  48. Lily was a positive person, yet at times she had her down moments but overall lily was a good person indeed. Lily had to sacrifice alot that was why she had to steal and do other deceitful things to stay around.

  49. I think that lily is a good person,lily did bad/stupid things but all of it was worth it and a good reason for it.Running off and stealing snuff was stupid but people dont know wat exactly she was doing.I feel that a person actions should not be based on if they are a good or bad person.She made bad choices but reasonable understandment.The things she did made me think like man she is a good person if she did these things.

  50. I think that Lily is a good person that have made bad mistakes. At the same time she souldn't have stolent he snuff for Rosaleen. A good person doesn't do anything bad or hurtful on purpose. There is no degrees in stealing. Stealing is not a good thing period point blank.

  51. i think lily was a good person.Even though she the things she was doing was bad. she had all the right reasons for doing what she was doing. she was trying to take care of Rosaleen but she was doing it the wrong way.

  52. What Lily did was wrong, but I think that Rosaleen did deserve the snuff after what she went through.

  53. Lily is a good person. She does what she thinks is right. Stealing the snuff for Rosaleeen was a bad thing but also a good thing. It was a bad thing for the store but it was a good thing for rosaleen because she took the heat and stood with Lily through thick and thin. What makes a person good or bad is their attitudes about life and how they live their life. there are many different degrees of stealing. Say for instance, murder is a state crime or a capital crime and stealing is like a misdemeanor.

  54. Cortez Mos ' Flyy Sailor$$March 23, 2010 at 12:05 PM

    I believe that Lily is a qood person . She may have stolen the snuff but at the end of the day it was for a qood reason , but you can also say that she was younq & really dosen't know any better because she was doinq it for a friend . What makes a person qood or bad is knowinq riqht from wronq & doinq wronq to be bad on purpose . & yes I think that there are different deqrees of stealinq .

  55. Lily is a good person but she just gets into alot of mischive. No crime is good but she had good intentions.She is a child with a good heart.All she wanted was to do something nice for rosaleen.

  56. Jacquavious EgglestonMarch 23, 2010 at 12:09 PM

    Honestly I think that Lily was a really good person.She was in the wrong for stealing snuff but Lily felt it was for good reasons.The only reason she was doing it was because Rosaleen needed it to be taking care of.There are many ways you can be considered a good or bad person mostly by yo actions the way you do things.There are no degrees of stealing because it is just something that shouldnt be done at all.

  57. In chapter three, I feel that Lily is a good person. Everyone in this world do have there on problems, no one is perfect. Lily is trying to do what she can so that she can survive. She ran away from home with rosaleen to get away from her father and to explore the world. I think that is was wrong for her to be stealing something but It happen and she asked for forgivness. The way that you carry yourself and do things and handle them dertermine if you are a good or bad person.

  58. well lily was mad at herself because she maid a big mistake and kill her own mother she was Frustrated and did not no what to do.... but when her mother had left her she tought she was never coming back to get her but when she came back to get lily... t-ray was slappin her around and thats when t-ray drop his gun and lily pick it up and had shot her

  59. I think that Lily is a good person at times, because sometimes she uses her being white to try and over power the women. For the most part she is a good person just a little sneaky. I think that her stealing the snuff for Rosaleen was a good thing because if she hadn’t the Rosaleen would have been irritable and in the long run that would have made things worst, so yes I do think that was the right thing to do. Things that make people good or bad are the morals that they go by and that there morals agree with society rules. There are no degrees of stealing because stealing is stealing no matter the reason.

  60. Lily still comitted the act of stealing so it was still bad. Even though it was for a good reason. A person is good or bad by how they act and how they carry themselves. Stealing is stealing. Whether you stealing some candy or a car. Its still the same thing.

  61. i dont think she was wrong because if a person is poor an cant afford food does that mean they have to starve. i beleive a person should do whatever they have to do to survive because its there first instict

  62. I think that there are not any degrees of stealing. In my opinion, stealing is stealing. But, at the same time I believe that lily stole the dip because it was one of the least things that she could do for Rosaleen after all that she had been through. I think that she thought it was right. I think that Lily is a good person, overall.

  63. I believe that Lilly is a good person in my opinion. Of course stealing the snuff was unacceptable but she had a real good reason to do that. After Rosaleen taking that butt whooping I would do the same for her. She was desperate to get that snuff and she got it. Some people still for no reason, but Lilly did it because she thought it was best. So I can understand her reason for doing that.

  64. Lily is a good person. It was kind of a good thing and a bad thing. It was bad because she stole he snuff but she stole it for a good person. She was a bad person for taking Rosaleen from the hospital but led them into a good place for a good purpose. Things that make a person good is like helping someone who is in need, a person’s reason for doing things makes them good. Yes there are different degrees of stealing, but that doesn’t mean it’s alright to go in places and steal.

  65. 1. To me lily isn’t a bad person at all…. It’s just certain things she does to get what she want. Like for example lying all the time, and also stealing. She had a purpose for every lie she told.
    2. When lily stole that snuff for Rosaleen, it was a bad thing to do but rosaleen felt like she wasn’t welcomed into the store, and also lily stole the snuff because the man wouldn’t sell it to her.
    3. A bad person is someone that know they’re doing wrong but do nothing to fix it.So basically you make your own self a bad person. A good person try to fix their flaws and make things right we as people not perfect, but we know from right and wrong.
    4. I think there are different degrees of stealing. And in chapter two rosaleen was wrong from stealing from out of the lord’s house.

  66. lily is not a bad person she jhust been throgh alot an she just wanted answers.she said it felt like a hole was there in here heart that she needed her mother to fill.so she really is not a bad person she just wanted answers.when lily stole the stuff for rosolean it was a good thing becxause back then blck then black pepole could not just go an get alot of things so she did a good thing for her.what makes a good person is a person that do good an have good intentions and has a good heart a bad person is a perosn that just do everthing bad.

  67. Lily is an lost individual who was taught to get things on her own. T- Ray hasn't been the best father possible, so Lily lacks alot of manners, girl qualities, and right from wrong knowledge that someone her age should know. Lily as a young girl is a good person she has just been mislead in the wrong direction, she seeks love and affection from her dad, but he fails to give it to her so she turns to look for a woman figure. Her actions may be bad but she is indeed a good girl, a person can be judged or viewed from different aspects and Lily shows all of hers in the book therefore you know what to expect. Stealing snuff for Rosaleen wasn't the right thing to do at all, but she felt that since Rosaleen was black and people would notice her in the store she decided to get it. She only had a certain amount of cash anyway and they needed food, Rosaleen needed something to ease her pain so lily showed her some love. Yes there are different degrees of stealing because a mother that steals for her baby when she can't afford it or doesn't the resources to buy it should what is necessary. She knows the consequences and the outcome. On the other hand when a person steals for the enjoyment or doesn't want to spend their money to be selfish is a different story. It is all bad but you have to know right from wrong and have a purpose and not just beacause or excuse.

  68. I don't think Lilly is a bad person. In an all around look at her i would come to belive that she would happen to be a good hearted person, that just happens to go the wrong way of trying to do good things. Yes she broke Rosaleen out of jail. But she did it to save her life. Also yes she stole snuff from the shop. But she also did that because she thought Rosaleen needed and deserved it after she went through being beaten and put in jail. So even looking over all these things I don't see how anyone could disagree with me in saying that Lily is a good person.
