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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Civil Rights

The 1960's was a revolutionary time for African Americans in the United States, finally beginning to gain rights and status amoung the American population. Rosaleen, an African American worker on a Peach Farm in South Carolina, is chosen to fill in as Lily's mother. Proud of her freedom Rosaleen heads to town with Lily to excercise her rights and vote. While in town three men trouble her looking for a rise, because she is Black. Rosaleen standing up for herself takes ahold of her spit bottle and pours it across the top of the three mens' shoes. In a primitive white society this action is highly unexcepted. The police are called and Rosaleen and Lily are taken to jail.

What actual changes were taking place for African-Americans during this time period that may help us understand Rosaleen's actions even more fully? Was Rosaleen justified in her actions? Is it justifiable to hurt/harm another peroson?


  1. Class, make sure your commments are 2 paragraphs!!

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  3. i fell that rose was not worng bacouse they started with her and and she was just standing up for her self i fell that they were worng for what they did to her and in front of that lil girl but they can do what ever they what wont to do cuz there white and right in front of the law i mean like how low can you go .

  4. During this time African-Americans' were just beginning to feel the whip of "the white man". Although slavery was over and African-Americans had gained their freedom, they were still considered slaves or inferior to that of the white culture. They still did the work of a share cropper and took care of the white children. After they received their freedom, they were still uneducated, untrained, and only possessed the skills given to them to work in the fields.
    Blacks had gained the right to vote, the right to have facilities equivalent to that of the whites. African-Americans had made a big leap from oppression. Rosaleens' irrate behavior toward the three men isn't tolerable, yet not heavy of a crime to constitute jail servance. Blacks, during that revolutionary time, felt it was evident that blacks deserved the revenge for their ancestors; and those who died for the freedom of black generations to come. The years of oppression do not justify Rosaleens' actions nor does it constitute lilies arrest.

  5. Rosaleen didn't do anything wrong. All they were doing was going to vote. The white men got mad because rosaleen was minding her own business. They got in her face and starting talking about black people so she had to stand up for herself

  6. Rosaleen was proud of her freedom, that she fake being the mother of Lily. Even though that she was free. Not every white thought that. Some didnt care that blacks were free. they still would treat them the same as before. She wasn't justified of her action, because of the fact that the three men was saying to her. She had the right to do what she did. It is but then again it isn't. It depends on the situation is come apond.

  7. The changes that were taking place is that African American people were now getting equal rights and recognition across the nation. During a period of caucasian dominance in America, some things were finally coming around. So the reason why Rosaleen did what she did was just because of that. Black people were tired of being treated like they were nothing and most black people around that time stood up for whatever the cause was. I understand Rosaleen to the fullest extent because the men were looking for trouble as being racist and they found it in her spit bottle. Rosaleen probably in some degree was justified in her actions but not fully and also in some cases, it is justifiable to hurt or harm another person in my opinion.

  8. During that time period African-Americans' were just seeing the violence of the " White Man" being unsure to strike back. Rosaleen was free and with her freedom she knew to stand up for her rights. Actual changes were that African-Americans were free and had rights, Rosaleen actions were not justified because of the fact that she had to go to jail for pouring saliva on a man's feet when there were three of them troubling her.It is not justifiable to hurt/harm a person because people are only human and we all make mistakes in life and have to face the consequences but that shouldn't be a violent action.

  9. In 1965 President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act permitting African Americans to vote. Rosaleen was going to town to exercise her voting rights as an American citizen. When the three white men stop her they clearly offend her. So she poured her spit bottle across their feet. I don’t think that Rosaleen should have done what she did. Some people say stuff to you just to get a rise out of you. But on the other hand everyone has a limit to how much they can take. After years of slavery and after that more years of oppression, I can see why Rosaleen reach her limit and caused her to do what she did. I don’t believe Rosaleen should have done what she did, but then again she was just fed up. And If I was in her position I would have done something too.

    During the 1960s and 70s a lot of African Americans reach their limit and choose to rise up against the white man. Even though America was a free nation and it is the land of opportunity and slavery ended in 1965 African Americans were still not free. So they had to fight for their freedom even if death was the price of freedom which is always is.

  10. The action was going on that was black people was getting the right to vote, because white people were treating African Americans like they were stupid. Rosaleen was justified for her actions. If I was Rosaleen I would have pored it over they heads. Going to jail was enough, but a getting hit in the head was not called for. It’s not justifiable to hurt another person. Unless they hurt you physical then it’s ok. Or they hurt a member of your family. But if you physical hurt somebody I going to try to kill you.

  11. During this time period African Americans were finally getting the rights that they deserved. The white man understood that, but made it a complicated process, so that blacks still felt unworthy. So when Rosaleen pours her spit on the men shoes, she feels as if is necessary to take out those negative actions so she can not only stand up for herself, but stand up for her black community. Personally I believe that Rosaleen actions were not justified because their were other measurers that she could have taken. She may have felt as if this was the only way to deal with this conflict, but more positive proceedings could have been taken.
    In Rosaleens case she was an innocent bystander, but the men didn’t look at her in that way. She was coming to vote, so that she would have her say in this process, and because she was black she definitely was not welcome. Though she didn’t choose the best outcome, she was trying to stick up for herself and earn some respect. So I do not think that it was justifiable for her to spit on the men shoes

  12. During the 1960s, African Americans began to gain their independence. Many Civil Rights Organizations were formed such as NAACP, SNCC, CORE, and SCLC were created because of the struggle was far beyond more than just civil rights under law.

    During the time Rosaleen and Lily were out walking to the city, The Voting Rights Act were formed so Rosaleen wanted to register to vote. The reason why she stood up to the white man was because African Americans such as herself are starting to gain their freedom & independece so she may have thought it was the right time since black are gaining privilegies

  13. I can understand why Rosaleen did what she did becaause the type of soceity she at that time African Americans had on equal rights but at the same time she getting mis treated and couldn't take it any more. This is in the 1966's at this time every was sgregated between the black and whites. In this problem she felt she had stand up for her rights but at the same time it was against at the time.

  14. During this time period we as blacks were starting to buck the system. They were starting to demand that they be treated just as any other and that the unfair profiling cease to exist. rosaleen's actions were just a microcosm of what was going on in the world. There were protest galore, violence for freedom and even political parties completely devoted to accentuating black power.

    Rosaleen was not justified in her actions she could have turned the other cheek and just keep walking. She chose not to and in that time in the south you would suffer the consequences. As for the question is it justifiable to hurt/harm another person? The answer is no.

  15. It was when President Johnson sign the Voting Rights Act. So that African American have the right to vote. When Johnson signed the act African Americans wanted to exercise the right to vote. Rosaleen was justified for her action. The reason why it was justified because she was standing up for her rights.
    It is not justifiable to harm someone. You can hurt a person because they are standing up for what they believe in.

  16. The chanqes taken place in this time was equal riqhts for blacks . Specifically , in the story it was equal riqhts to vote . So Rosaleen was not qoinq to miss out on her opportunity to exercise her riqht . She was not able to do so because a qroup of white men beqan to harrass her . So she poured her spit cup on their feet .

    I think that her action was wronq , but I also feel like that if I was in her place I would have done the same thinq . So yes , I believe that she was justified in her actions . I don't believe that it is justifiable to hurt or harm another person so therefore the white men should not have did what they did . With that beinq said that proves the point of Rosaleen's actions beinq justified .

  17. The changes taking place were the rights that we were suppose to have in the beginning started. We just got the right to vote so we wanted to experience our right in all aspects. So, Roseleen was trying to do exactly that and ignorant white men were trying to provide her from voting. I don’t know if I completely agree with her method of getting them to leave her alone, but if there was no alterative, then what was done was best. Unfornately, with her actions came consequences and she ended up in jail.

  18. Rosaleen reacted in such a rude manor because she wanted to go vote. Blacks were finally able to vote and Rosaleen said she was going to vote this day. So she did what she had to do to make it happen. I think what she did was not so much right but it was kind of fair. She stood up for what was right for here.

    No it’s not justifiable to hurt or harm no one, but it is right to stand up for your self. Blacks have the right for freedom, so I don’t understand why it was a problem for them to be walking down the street. They weren’t bothering anybody. She shouldn’t have to serve jail time. I feel that she only was sent to jail because she was black and the men were white.

  19. before that, slavery was abolished. So, really, African Americans were just getting used to being able to be free (to a certain extent). On top of that, the president signed the order saying that anyone can vote. So, African Americans felt like they were somewhat equal to the whites.

    So, when the time finally came to the point where she could be equal, she took it. She wasn’t going to let anyone stop her. Even if it was a racist white man who would kill her. She was upset that someone was trying to take her freedom from her. So, she lost her temper and did the unthinkable and poured her dip juice on the white man. She dosen’t regret pouring the juice on her, because he was mean to her.

    I do think that she was justified in her actions. She only poured that juice on him. She has been treated worse than that for many, many years. He has probably treated blacks way worse than that. In my opinion, she should have done a lot more than that. She finally got even.

    I agree with everything she did. Though, we both know the risks that come along with doing something like that back in those days, especially if you were black. She finally had her right to vote legally, so she took advantage of it. She was very wise for making this. It is not fair for someone to take someone’s right of freedom without cause. It is just not right at all.

  20. I believe that rosaleen reacted based on the voting registrations because any other time she probably wouldn’t have acted like that. This day was the most important day of her life so she felt like she needed to defend herself. Rosaleen was I think not justified at that time because they still beat her and did what they wanted to do to her. And if she would have stayed in the hospital they would have killed her because she didn’t apologize to them. No it’s not right to harm or put your hands on other people, you should treat people with respect. If they not putting their hands on you why should you care what they say or think about you. So why not let them talk because if that was the case some of every body would have been layed out.

  21. Lily has a hard time dealing with her emotions and doesn’t know how to handle them because of t-ray altitude toward her and her mom. But actual she doesn’t want to face the fact that she may have killed her mother and come to face the hardships of life.

    But I think that the actual change will be for African-American for the changes of white people getting upset of color people try to vote for the black president…… Rosaline’s should not had went to jail because of the accident

    People don’t understand why color people don’t get alone with white people of the secret life of bees

  22. The change that was occurring during this time was that the blacks could register to vote. I could understand why she poured her spit over the men’s shoes. If you can vote, you can vote for a change in your country and that was all Rosaleen wanted. She might have felt high and mighty thinking the world all of a sudden revolves around black people. She didn’t HAVE to pour her spit on their shoes but that’s how she wanted to prove herself by forming her name in cursive at the same time.

    Was she justified in her actions? No she was not because there were other options. She could have told the men she was going to register and keep it moving. Either that or she could have apologized and she would not have gone to jail. Even though apologizing might have been killing her softly inside, it’s better than getting hit a million times in your head or getting killed. Things would have been much better if just had not of done it at all.

    You should never harm another person if they have not physically harmed you initially. If the person didn’t do anything to you, just ignore them. But if they lay one finger one you, raise he** and put them in their place. In Rosaleen’s situation, the white men were in the wrong. She didn’t hurt them in any way. All she did was pour spit over their shoes. She didn’t punch them, kick them, or slap them. But during that time, it wouldn’t make any difference.

  23. The Civil Rights Act was being signed and she was about to get ready to register to vote. So maybe she felt a little stronger as a black person with more rights. She felt like she had more freedom and she could speak out more for herself. She wanted to take a step towards change.

    Rosaleen was not justified in her actions but she did have a reason for what she did. She was walking along with Lily on her way to register to vote. She was minding her own business and the white men started to mess with her. In defense she poured tobacco juice on their shoes. It did not justify her act but it gave her probable reason to go about doing it. Also because of the signing of the Civil Rights Act Rosaleen was standing up to their ignorance.

    Is it justifiable to hurt/harm another person? Yes? No? Who knows? What justifies our actions? What makes what we do ok? It depends on how you look at situations and from which point of view you look at it. Is it ok to fight someone because of how your emotions make you feel? Does the way you feel justify your actions? If someone hurts someone close to you does that give you the right to hurt them back? Because you are sad or mad and you want to let it out is it then ok to act violently?

    Anyway it goes you should treat others like you want to be treated. You reap what you sow. If you sow violence, don’t wonder why violence always comes your way. If you’re mean to others don’t wonder why others are often mean to you. Just because someone does something to you doesn’t mean you do that in return. Even though feelings often alter our decisions, you should try to be the best you can regardless of how you feel or what you feel like doing. If you do the right thing you don’t have to worry about your actions being justified.

  24. During this time Africans Americans were going through the process of gaining many civil rights. Laws were changing, the American nation was changing. Many felt as if it was time to come together as a nation. Blacks fought to gain the rights they were promised in the constitution. They believed that acquiring these rights would make them true citizens. Blacks began to change there behavior as whites resisted change.
    In Chapter one of The Secret Life of Bees, Rosaleen goes to register to vote. She saw President Johnson sign the voting rights. This document allowed everybody to vote and prohibited poll taxes and literacy test. After seeing this many wanted to exercise their right as Americans. Although it was still a struggle because most still tried to stand in the way. While she was going to register she ran into a group of white men. They exchanged words but with rosaleen’s new found pride she tried to stand up to them. The situation eventually got out and hand. Then she poured spit on their shows. The men demanded an apology.
    Even though the men said real harsh things towards her I believe that she should have did as lily said and ignored them. If she would have done that she would have never gotten arrested or put into jail. Even though the men where wrong she should have been smart and just walked that way she wouldn’t have got in trouble or gotten hurt. I can understand her actions but I do not think its right for any one to physically harm each other. Words can hurt, they can even make you angry but you have to think about the consequences. So is it really worth it even if you’re standing up for what’s right?
    Rosaleen’s actions can be viewed as justified. She felt as if she was standing up for her self. Yes she could have gone about it another way. Most of us do not think in moments of tension. We let or emotions take over. We do not think of the consequences. Sometimes when it gets physical you your self are not a fault. Self defiance comes into play. You should always think about why you are doing what you are doing and what comes afterwards

  25. Things that were going on were president Roosevelt was making a law. The law stated that no one could be demonstrated against. When this law was made black people were going through segregation and all types of racism. So that law being made was a big improvement for blacks.
    I know Rosaleen thought she was right in doing what she did but in reality she wasn’t. They said what they had to say and so did she so it should have been done with and as long as they didn’t, neither should she. I feel that you shouldn’t have to put your hands on another person unless they do so.

  26. Why do people just feel like they can do whatever they feel like doing because they think that they can get away with it? During that time all the slavery was over and the people white people had to accept it but they didn’t. They treated the black African American people like they was nothing, beating them and killing them.

    We all know that after a period of time you will get tired of someone trying to run over you just because they think you have no rights. We stand up for what is right but we are the one’s that get punished it’s not fair and it’s not right. Anybody we do this because they would like to have that’s same respect from any race.

    In this chapter I feel that Rosaleen is not wrong for what she did, because she was getting tired of how they were being treated. The men say her and Lily and they was already trying to bring trouble to them. I feel that they did the right thing and she stood up for her rights and not let them men walk all over her like she was nothing. Some white people try there best to torture blacks.

    Now she was right for what she did and no one can do anything about it. Rosaleen should never feel bad about what she did to them because they deserved it. I know that some people would say that she was wrong for what she said but I personally disagree.

  27. Rosaleen really had the right to defend herself. I think every one on the face of this earth have a right to defend their selves. I will always be on her side because she showed them she wasn’t afraid of them just because they were white. It’s not the way to move on in life. What I mean by that is bullying someone that have different skin colors is not right. “It’s tight but it’s right” a preacher would say. I’m glad that are ancestors defended us to the fullest and made life what it is today.

  28. During this time period blacks were fighting for there rights. Slavery was over but blacks were still treated as slaves. Like rosaleen some couldn’t read or write so they still worked in the fields. That had rights but in the south the people tried to deny them there rights.
    When black people went to vote that was faced with mad white people. If you forgot to dot a I or curve your Y then you was denied your right to vote.
    When rosaleen was being harass she must have felt like she really was equal with them. But even though she was wrong to pour her spit juice over there shoes, they should not have beat her the way they did.

  29. During that period in time the president had just singed the bill that allowed blacks to vote. I think Rosaleen felt that she should stand up for herself. But the way she expressed herself might have been a little uncalled for. The heat of the day might have also clouded her judgment on what she was doing. But the taunts from the white men might have also brought along her response.
    As for harming another person, I don’t think its justifiable unless it’s a form of self-defense. I somewhat understand the white men’s responding to her dumping the juice of her snuff onto the shoes. But I still don’t think that their attack had to be so violent. The problem could have been handled in a calmer manner. If avoided altogether.

  30. During that time in that society, slavery was way over. We were starting to get some freedom about ourselves. We were feeling good somewhat about the freedom we were starting to get, thanks to Dr. Martin Luther King and others. We were tired of getting mistreated by the white people. They were watching every little thing we do. They were waiting for us to mess up, so they could execute us such as lynching.
    African-Americans were scared of expressing there selves do to the hatred of the white man. The white man was running the show during that time. Segregation what really did it for everybody. The laws were to racist at that time. And it only was for the whites. People were getting sick of that and they had to do something about it.
    If the blacks were helping the white’s then it was because the blacks were the servant to the whites in there house just like Rosaleen. They had to take care of the children if they had any, or clean the house everyday while the white’s were working or just sitting there. In my eyes that was still slavery just with a little freedom. It was still sad because not everybody had that opportunity to do that.
    Rosaleen did the right thing by going down there and voting. Those white men should have messed with her. And they got what they deserve. She needed to treat them like that because if she didn’t they still would keep messing with her.

  31. African Americans were just getting to the point were they could vote. African Americans have come a long way from slavery in these days. Though they are still treated like nothing they didn’t have to really work for the white in some countries. But were rosaleen lived they didn’t like the fact that blacks were getting the freedom to vote.
    Rosaleen was an African American woman who was basically lily’s mother because she took care of her. She worked in the field for lily’s dad and was chosen by him to take care of her. She herd on TV about blacks being able to vote. The next day she wanted to go register.
    She came across some racist men who didn’t like fact that blacks were allowed to vote. They stopped her and lily she ended up pouring her spit on there shoes. Though they didn’t respect her she still was wrong for doing that. Just because someone does things to you don’t give you the right to do it to them.
    It should never be a good thing to hurt someone unless you are defending yourself. In the situation of someone trying to kill you. I believe that is the only reason a person has to hurt someone .

  32. It should never be a good thing to hurt someone unless you are defending yourself. In the situation of someone trying to kill you. I believe that is the only reason a person has to hurt someone .Rosaleen was an African American woman who was basically lilys mother because she took care of her.When rosaleen was being harass she must have felt like she really was equal with them. Rosaleen was standing up for herself and other blacks. YOUNG GUCCI SIGNING OUT 1017 diamond squad

  33. At this time freedom was really over. Even though freedom was over they were still considered as slaves. They had to do what the white people told them to do. So by her doing that and knowing her rights she probably thought she wasn’t going to suffer consequence. Then it was saying how she was an witness of seeing the President Johnson sign the Civil Rights Act.

    No it wasn’t right for what she did. No it’s not justified to hurt or harm anyone else. I say that because two wrongs don’t make no right. Even though what happen was wrong, she could have found another way to go about it. But yea during that time period, black people were being treated wrong.

  34. Pres. Johnson signed a Voting Rights Act that permitted African-Americans to vote and Rosaleen went to town to practice her voting rights as an African-American citizen. While doing so, three white men stopped and insulted her.And she poured her bottle of spit across their feet. I believed that Rosaleen had the right to do what she did. Back then, whites would say stuff to blacks just to anger you. Everyone has a limit to how much they’re able to endure. After years of slavery and oppression, I understand why Rosaleen got angry and put spit on their shoes. And If I was in her position I would have done the same thing.

    During the 1960s and 70s, a lot of African-Americans reach their limit with the white man. Even though America was a free nation and it is the land of opportunity and slavery ended in 1965, African-Americans were still not free. So they fought for their freedom even though torture was the main consequence for rising against the white man. Harming those who “cross the line”, in my opinion, is reasonable.

  35. The Civil Rights was being passed. Around this time whites treated blacks as they were animals or something. They harassed a lot blacks if they chose to vote. Some blacks stood up for there rights, and some where hanged for fighting for there rights. Roseleen was only trying to vote and got harassed by a couple of white people.

    No she was not justified for her action. She really didn’t do much to him. She was only walking down the street, on her was to go vote. And a couple of white men started to bother her. She only poured tobacco juice on his feet. It was wrong how they did her. She was given that right so why should a white man stop her from voting.

  36. Civil rights played a major part in the 1960’s. The civil rights had just been put into play so the confidence and morale in black people was at an all time high. She was headed down to vote and she felt authority on the inside. She felt stronger and free, she like she could make a change.

    Depending on the way you look at the situation will determine if or not she was justified. Regardless of the matter she had every right to stand up for herself. She was being harassed. Take the situation and switch the roles, there would not have been a problem. No one will ever know if it is justifiable to harm another person because different situation require different actions. Regardless it does not make it right to harm one its just our feelings get in the way of everything and it causes us to harm rather its justifiable or not.

  37. seth mensah said that during the civil was a dangerous time in the revolutionary time for African Americans in the United States. it was a dangerous time that afican americans were finally receiving their rights as human beings themselves. Most themselves never their chance to vote because they all had to pass the qualifications that the white man had set for them.
    There was also many controversacy events that was happening during that time. Many were african americans deciding that they too are human beings and should also have rights like the opposite skin color. The time before the blacks or negros had been suffering everymuch. Blacks were been killed because the white thinks or thought that they should the ultimate race so the races must all die.

  38. African-American during this time where being punched pushed around whip by the white man. Slavery released there self from all of the pain and hurt that was put among them. When they received the freedom they where still lost in the mind. Only pass the skills given to them to work. Not knowing that Jim Crow had there back. That’s when blacks had the right to vote.
    Wrong was not on the same page as Rosaleen. Freedom was all she was happy about at the time. She wasn’t justified of her action. Because of the fact that three men was saying to her on and on. Rosaleen reached her limit to how much that she can take.

  39. The changes that were taking place for blacks were The Voting Rights Act. The Voting Rights Act was the law that let black people start voting. I think that the reason why Rosaleen did what she did is because she was fed up with being mistreated by whites just because the color of her skin. She also did it because she wanted to show the three white men that she wasn’t scared of them in anyway.

    Rosaleen was not right for what she did, but it showed the men that she wasn’t afraid of them. She should have just ignored them, but if she did that the men probably would have went further at picking on her.

    It isn’t right to harm/hurt another person, but treating others the way you want to be treated is the right thing to do. Respect others and you will get respect back.

  40. Around this time African American were jus beginning to feel, the harsh of the white men. Rosaleen felt as though she was free, and wanted freedom. She knew it was her time to stand up for the African Americans. Blacks had rights to do what they feel. Rosaleen was not wrong. Her actions was not justified because there was no other thing she could have done.

    I would say that her actions was wrong, by pouring spit bottle across the top of the mens shoes. What was done by the police was wrong to, but in white society this action is highly unexpected. In the 1960s and 70s a lot of blacks reached their limit to go, up against the white men. Blacks felt that they were not still free. They had to fight for their freedom even if their life was on it.

  41. What was going on back in these times was blacks were just now getting their rights. So she probally thought it was okay since she was getting her rights. She maybe just got tired of their ignorance. Overall her actions were justified. Although it is not right to hurt/harm somebody there are certain times when it calls for it. An this was one of those times. Back then you could've even look at whites the wrong way or let alone strike them. There were dier conquences for blacks back then because of the Jim Crow Laws. The 1960's were hard times for blacks. That's what I think about it.

  42. I don’t think Roseleen completely thought of all the possible consequences of her actions. Many horrible things could have occurred such as: Lily being kidnapped and Roseleen being beaten or terrorized because at that time whites were anonymous people. There might have witnessed a injustice but will not say anything because of your race and they feel they don’t owe you anything. Even Klan’s men could have took it into their own hand and did so damage. So what I think is before doing anything like that again think more on the possible outcome.

    No, it’s not justified to harm another person, but if you feel like your life is being threaten. Then its considered self defense. Just harming a person just to harm them is not ok .I’m sure you wouldn’t want someone come up and harming you or one of your love ones, just because they felt like it. If we could do that there would be no society because anytime someone gets mad or has a ill thought about someone and go injuring and/or killing them.

  43. (Continuing from last blog entry.)
    The law inforcement was created to serve & protect the people. Not arrest someone because they are exercising theie rights. Since it was the 1960s the abuse the title.

  44. During this time period African Americans were jus beginning to gain their rights. In the book Rosaleen watched President Johnson sign the Voting Rights Act. This gave her a sense of pride. This in a way could have made her feel more powerful. Maybe she felt as if America was finally giving her the power to stand up to unfair treatment of her people.

    Yes, I believe that it is wrong for someone to hurt or harm another person and no, it was not justifiable for Rosaleen to do what she did. There are better ways that she could have handled the situation. Yes it is true that they disrespected her but two wrongs dont make a right. Our country became free by non-violent acts and peace. I dont think Rosaleen was thinking logially but I liked the mind frame that she had. Nothing was going to stop her.

  45. During this time Civil Rights Acts were in place.In the south just African Americans were just given the right to vote.Slavery was over but the problems just begun.It was a time for her change.

    I feel that she was justified for her actions. She was being harassed
    for aboslutely no reason.Rosaleen was proud of her freedom.It was not ok to hurt another person,unless they hurt you physical then it’s ok

  46. In this time peroid blacks were aloud to vote and slavery as ended at least to me it didnt look like it, it still was big problems happening.

    I feeel that rosaleen was justified for her actions because she has a reason for doing that.She didnt want to be disrepected by someone who did some thimg first.

    Its not a reason a person should hurt/harm some body because that person really does not have a reason to do any body like that

  47. Back then, African American were allow to vote since the president sign The Voting Rights Act. Knowing that this change was made, many of African American had a "PRIDE TRIGGER". They felt even more freedom.

    Was Rosaleen justified in her action? Well i would say that pouring spit on the white males shoes was right, but being disrespected was a weakness right then.

    Is it right to harm/hurt another person? I don't think that she was trying to harm/hurt the white males, but i do think that she was teaching then a lesson. She felt that she had to return the favor of being disrespected for so long. Jail was her punishment.


  48. African Americans were no longer owned by white. Slavery was over and they had gaine freedom. They were still working for white people, they were taking care of their children, and maintaining their households. they only knew how to do stuff in the fields, where they were share croppers.
    Roseleena wasnt wrong, she wasnt bothering anyone. the men were just trying to start stuff with her. And looking for trouble. So I feel she was standing up for herself and letting them know she was afraid of them. Her actions was not justified becasue there was nothing else she could do.
    Posted By: Destini M. Jenkins

  49. The changes that took place during that time was african american was not allowed to vote. They had to stay home help and clean for the white people. Rosaleen wanted to vote and the three white men told her she couldnt and she really wanted too. But she knew she was allowed to vote. So it got to a next step when she spit on the white men shoes. Roslaeen knew she was gone get hurt by doing that step. she went to far and so did the white men. but they didnt had to abuse her like how they did. I think it is not justified for a white men to even harm or hurt a african american like that. its not necessary to abuse them well almost bout to kill them. And Rosaleen knew what would happened when she did that.

  50. During the 1960's african americans were starting to gain there rights as american citizens in the United States.Whites felt that blacks were inferior to them and shouldn't be able to vote or have equal rights as them. Blacks were gaining their rights as americans and did anything to get fair treatment. Blacks were still under the rule of white people but more independent as a people than as a person. The black community came together to fight against the whites for unfair justice and judgement.

    No, it is not justified to hurt/harm somebody else when the situation is of this matter.In certain situations yes it maybe justifiable to hurt/harm another person because someone can become outraged and display their actions. The most important way to solve problems is to talk it out and communicate instead of being violent willling to hurt someone.
    Think positive have a positive outlook on things instead of negative.
    Written by: Taraneshia Shivers

    Rosaleen was not justified for her actions but she felt she should stand for what was right in her eyes. The whites still found several things to pick on blacks about whether it was big or small.Blacks still had to fight hard and prove they were as good as the whites. She overreacted when the police harrassed her, but blacks finally had the opportunity to vote and the white police wanted to mess that up. Its only a certain amount of criticism blacks were going to take so she felt needed to stand up.

  51. In that particular time, african americans were not equal to caucasions. They didnt not have no rights, no freedom, no nothing. So when Rosaleen finally got the chance to vote it gave her faith as in they are equal to the caucasions.Caucasions where very dominate during that time period, african americans had to give up thre seat for them on the bus, they can not eat at the same resturants as them, even attend the same school as them. The chance to vote really switched things around for blacks.

    In my opion perosnaly no her actions were not justified.As in the purpose of her action was not the hurt another person, but to show them that they can not treat them as if they were nothing now that they are also equal to them. Rosaleen didnt harm anyone physcially and really i dont think jail should be a punishment. With that said that goes to show that she did it for the fact that she has rights an she has the right to vote as well. All she did was stand up for her rights, her rights to vote, her rights as a person, and her rights for equality.

    By, Tamara Howell

  52. What was going on back in these times was blacks were just now getting their rights. So she probally thought it was okay since she was getting her rights. She maybe just got tired of their ignorance. Overall her actions were justified. Although it is not right to hurt/harm somebody there are certain times when it calls for it.

    An this was one of those times. Back then you couldn't even look at whites the wrong way or let alone strike them. There were dier conquences for blacks back then because of the Jim Crow Laws. The 1960's were hard times for blacks. That's what I think about it.

  53. During the time period of the 1960's African Americans were finally getting the rights that they deserved,african americans were not the exact same as caucasions I say that because Blacks wereearning their rights as americans and did anything to get fair treatment while whites was sitting back looking at the balcks fighting hard to prove thing to them.
    In my opinion she did the right thing because she was tired off being treated the way she was. It is not justifable to harm another person beacuse that is someone sibiling there was better ways she could have went about doin but sometimes you gotta do things in a different matter.

  54. During the 1960s, African Americans began to gain their independence. Many Civil Rights Organizations were formed such as NAACP, SNCC, CORE, and SCLC were created because of the struggle was far beyond more than just civil rights under law. With the assistance with the 15th Amendment that prohibits suffrage based on race and color and 19th Amendment which state federal recognition of womens suffrage African Americans have become citizens and have gain federal rights.

    During the time Rosaleen and Lily were out walking to the city, The Voting Rights Act were formed so Rosaleen wanted to register to vote. The reason why she stood up to the white man was because African Americans such as herself are starting to gain their freedom & independece so she may have thought it was the right time since black are gaining privilegies

  55. No it isn't justified to hurt or harm somebody else when the situation is in this matter.In some situations yes it maybe justifiable to hurt or harm another person because someone can become dangerous & display their actions.

  56. During this time African-Americans' were just beging whip by the whites. Although slavery was over and blacks had gained their freedom, they were still considered slaves or inferior to the white culture.Blacks, during that revolutionary time felt it was evident that blacks deserved the revenge for their ancestors and those who died for the freedom of black generations to come.African Americans were just getting to the point were they could vote.

    rosaleen reacted in a rude manor because she wanted to go vote. Blacks were able to vote at the time and Rosaleen said she was going to vote this day. So she did what it took to go vote. I think what she did was not so much right but it was kind of fair. She stood up for what was right for her.

  57. I think that Rosaleen feels like she is is gaining some kind of respect, that she deserves. Rosaleen used to feel like she was looked at like a piece of crap, but now she is gaining rights. So she is becoming a part of the country, and she can do just about anything a white person could do. I guess u can say in her mind she is climbing up that hill like the Jefferson's.
    I think that Rosaleen was right with what she did. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself, and not take the crap that ignorant people throw at you. She knew what her consiquences would be if she did it, im sure, well im hoping that she thought about it before she did it. If not, then to me she was still in the right of way.

  58. The first chapter had introduces the problems about the civil rights act.Lily watched the signing of the civil rights act on t.v with Rosaleen.She wonders whether to be happy, because Rosaleen is happy.Lily realizes that the equality suggested by the act might make life more difficult for Rosaleen.We know that in 1964 racism plagued America only in the south and the civil rights act helped decrease but did not eradicate racism or discrimination.

    The knowing of real history makes the hard relationship between Lily a white girl with Rosaleen a black woman more understandingOn the one hand, Lily feels a lot of love for Rosaleen and looks to her for help.She is only trying to find out where she fits in.

  59. During this time period the voting rights act was just put out giving the blacks the right to vote. rosaleen was standing up for herself because the three white men was basically calling her dumb saying she cant even spell her name. she didnt want them to stop her from her right to vote. In the 60s whites didnt like the fact that blacks had this right. they would try to do any and everything to stop them.

    rosaleen wasnt wrong for standing up for herself. i feel that what she did was proving a point. when it comes to standing up for yourself then it doesnt matter how much you hurt someone.so it is justifiable to hurt/harm someone only if your standing up for whats right and thats what Rosaleen did, she stood up for herself.

  60. In the time of racial segregation between black and white people is still a factor that remains today. During the 1960's african americans were finally getting some recogniton and voting priviledges across the nation. Rosaleen a black working woman and Lily were trying to exercise their right to vote when white men wanted to start problems. Rosaleen fought fire with fire and dumped a bottle full of spit on him to cool him off. In most cases, you shouldn't go around doing things like that but in this case, I feel he deserved what was coming to him. Was she justified by her cause? I think so but not fully in a sense that all the things white people did to our race. Durind this period was a major jumpshift for black people because around this time alot of things started to take place. Black people around this time were tired of getting treated like animals and stood up for what they belived in. Rosaleen did what she felt she had to do and to show that if a person continue letting someone step on them,then they deserve to be stepped on.

  61. President Johnson sign the 22nd Amendement in 1965, This allowed african-American the right to vote. When the news got back to Roseleen she was happy than she have ever been many African-American around the world had the opportunity to change the world. The new Amendement was a sign of change for African-American and roseleen was using her sign.

  62. well i thank that Rosaline should have been a pares they walk away form the talking and keep her head up because it a lots of thing that could happen to lily like she could have been killed but the white mans was been nice uniled lintel spit bottle all over the them she want to be the slow one that does someing like that but i beliver that rosaleen should say sorry to them white mans so that can lat them go.

  63. In the time period of the 1960's blacks were just starting to gain ther independence.They set out many organizations such as the NAACp and many more. At the time white people were always going against blacks rights and how they should do things but this time the blacks paid it no mind in this time period. The blacks organizations carried on for many of years and they are now getting the white men and the white women to join the organizations.

    During time periods in which rosaleen and Lily wanted to vote the Voting Rights Act was created so blacks could vote.

  64. Camisha BillingsleaMarch 2, 2010 at 12:04 PM

    Basically, just because someone gets in your face that doesn’t mean you have to retaliate. Retaliation will be followed by consequences. You are never justified in your negative actions unless someone physically hurts you first. These are life lessons that should not have to be experienced despite the events that are occurring. It’s better just to leave things alone even if it kills you inside.

  65. Lily has a hard time dealing with her emotions and doesn’t know how to handle them because of t-ray altitude toward her and her mom. But actual she doesn’t want to face the fact that she may have killed her mother and come to face the hardships of life.

    But I think that the actual change will be for African-American for the changes of white people getting upset of color people try to vote for the black president…… Rosaline’s should not had went to jail because of the accident

    People don’t understand why color people don’t get alone with white people of the secret life of bees

    well rosaleen and lily tryed to find a place to stay at and work and fine a way to her aunt house at virginia

  66. Jacquavious EgglestonMarch 2, 2010 at 12:23 PM

    The civil war was a very dangerous time period. It was a time period when African Americans begin to earn their rights. They were no longer owned by whites and gained freedom. They had to stay home and help the whites. Finally they were taking care of their children, and maintaining their households.
    Rosaleen wasn’t wrong, she wasn’t bothering anyone. The men were just trying to start stuff with her. So I feel she was standing up for herself and letting them know she was not afraid of them. Rosaleen wanted to vote and the three white men told her she couldn’t and she really wanted too. Finally she also knew she had the rights to vote.
    The whites still found several things to pick on blacks about whether it was big or small. Also the colored people had to fight hard to prove they were good as whites.Rosaleen kind of got outrageous when the cops harassed her. I feel she didn’t deserve to be placed in jail. Finally all she did was try to get her rights she jus wanted equality between blacks and whites.

  67. During that period in time the president had just singed the bill that allowed blacks to vote. I think Rosaleen felt that she should stand up for herself. But the way she expressed herself might have been a little uncalled for. The heat of the day might have also clouded her judgment on what she was doing. But the taunts from the white men might have also brought along her response.

    What I think could haven happen is that the instead of the white men stopping their game to taunt Rosaleen. The white men could have just ignored them and continued their game of cards. Also instead of Rosaleen responding to them, she could have just ignored them and continued on her way. The situation could have been avoided all together. But instead it ended with Rosaleen and Lily being thrown into jail.
    As for harming another person, I don’t think its justifiable unless it’s a form of self-defense. I somewhat understand the white men’s responding to her dumping the juice of her snuff onto the shoes. But I still don’t think that their attack had to be so violent. The problem could have been handled in a calmer manner. If avoided altogether.
    But that doesn’t excuse that Rosaleen dumped her spit on their shoes. She had the choice to not respond to their taunts. She could have just walked away. But with the way she responded she somewhat brought their reaction onto herself. I’m halfway sure that she knew what she was getting herself into but just wasn’t all the way ready for it.

  68. During that period in time the president had just singed the bill that allowed blacks to vote. I think Rosaleen felt that she should stand up for herself. But the way she expressed herself might have been a little uncalled for. The heat of the day might have also clouded her judgment on what she was doing. But the taunts from the white men might have also brought along her response.

    What I think could haven happen is that the instead of the white men stopping their game to taunt Rosaleen. The white men could have just ignored them and continued their game of cards. Also instead of Rosaleen responding to them, she could have just ignored them and continued on her way. The situation could have been avoided all together. But instead it ended with Rosaleen and Lily being thrown into jail.
    As for harming another person, I don’t think its justifiable unless it’s a form of self-defense. I somewhat understand the white men’s responding to her dumping the juice of her snuff onto the shoes. But I still don’t think that their attack had to be so violent. The problem could have been handled in a calmer manner. If avoided altogether.
    But that doesn’t excuse that Rosaleen dumped her spit on their shoes. She had the choice to not respond to their taunts. She could have just walked away. But with the way she responded she somewhat brought their reaction onto herself. I’m halfway sure that she knew what she was getting herself into but just wasn’t all the way ready for it.

  69. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 expanded voting rights and forbid racial segregation in schools, at the workplace, and places that served the public. Places like schools, hospitals, parks, stores, theaters, and more were affected by this act. It also gave African American people more protected voting rights. The biggest factor in racial inequality was segregation. The laws that were was supposed to be “separate but equal”, but in reality the places for colored people was much worse than the places reserved for the whites put into place were also part of the problem. The laws they put in place for segregation.

  70. The changes that were happening during that time were drastic for the African Americans. President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act. That meant that the blacks back then had the right to vote without discrimination. Since other blacks didn’t have the courage to vote, Rosaleen had the courage to have the voice of her race and go vote. Unfortunately, since the incident of the white men bothering her, she wasn’t able to vote.
    Rosaleen was not justified with her actions. She could’ve just turned the other cheek and kept going on with her day. In other words, she wanted to show the white men how smart she really was, which lead her into trouble. To me she is blessed to have Lily rescue her. Other than that she could be dead.
    The question” is it justifiable to hurt/ harm another person?” shall be answered in this way. No it is never justifiable to hurt OR harm anyone. Treat people with respect the way you want to be treated with respect.

  71. It should never be a good thing to hurt someone unless you are defending yourself. In the situation of someone trying to kill you. I believe that is the only reason a person has to hurt someone .Rosaleen was an African American woman who was basically lilys mother because she took care of her.When rosaleen was being harass she must have felt like she really was equal with them. Rosaleen was standing up for herself and other blacks. Lily realizes that the equality suggested by the act might make life more difficult for Rosaleen.We know that in 1964 racism plagued America only in the south and the civil rights act helped decrease but did not eradicate racism or discrimination. In 1964 racism plagued America only in the south and the civil rights act helped decrease but did not eradicate racism or discrimination.

  72. Lily has a hard time dealing with her emotions and doesn’t know how to handle them because of t-ray attitude toward her.She Still can't beleive that she is the reason of her mother death that she actually killed her mother. Rosaleen felt that she had stand up for herslef becuase it was the right thing to do.

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbid racial segregation in schools, at the workplace, and places that served the public. It also gave African American people more protected voting rights. This Act made blacks vote without being discrimated or getting into trouble.

  73. Rosaleen reacted in such a rude way to act against the white men because she wanted to go vote. Blacks were finally able to vote and all Rosaleen wanted to do was vote that day. So she did what she had to do to make it happen. I think what she did wasn’t right but it was worth it. She stood up for what she thought was right even it wasn’t.

    No it’s not right to hurt anything, but it’s right to stand up for yourself when it’s needed. Blacks have the right for freedom, so I don’t understand why it was a problem for them to be walking down the street. They weren’t bothering anybody. She shouldn’t have to serve jail time and I feel that she only was sent to jail because she was black and the men were white.

  74. During the Civil Rights Act which was in the 60s the president was signing over the right to African Americans so that they are able to register to vote and while Rosaleen and Lily was walking through town a small group white men started picking on Rosaleen because of what they saw on the news earlier that day about the rights for African Americans. To prove a point to the group of men she pours tobacco spit all over the group of men shoes spelling out her name, then they beat her and later her and Lily was token to jail. Was Rosaleen justified for what she did to those men? In my opinion I believe that she was wrong because she could’ve just walked off and left it alone, but at the same she had a point because they was suppose to respect the fact that blacks have rights just like they do.
    In my opinion it is not justifiable to harm or hurt anyone. So what the man did to Rosaleen was not right of him because he physically hurt and abused her because she poured tobacco on his shoes.

  75. When slavery was ruled unconstituional, african-americans were free, but not free. What i mean is blacks were not considered eaqul to whites and had to get used to being treated like a dog. The secret life of bees is a perfect example because when rosaleen and lily were arrested, the dealer hit her in the head for pouring some snuff juice on his shoes. When lily went to the hospital after running away from home, she found out that the same dealer beat her for two hours and gave her a concussion.

  76. i dont think rosa did anythinh wrong. She was just trying to go vote. All because she's black they tryed to stop her. but she stood up for her self which they didnt think she would. she did nothing wrong
    i dont think people have the rights to hurt/harm another peroson. unless they have to if threaten. but if you just decide to hit. a person for no reason is wrong.

  77. I believe that Rosaleen was standing up for herself. She wanted the right to vote.It wasnt to hurt or harm anyone.They wanted to bother her because she is black.She is just tired of being treated that way.Also during that time period African Americans deserved the right to vote and Rosaleen knew that.So she stood up for her rights.

  78. During this time period, African-Americans were finally being given the right to vote. Unfortunately, not everybody felt that black people were deserving of something so powerful. Rosaleen of course, felt that she did deserve it and was going to register to vote by any means necessary. What she did may not have been justifiable but, she did what she felt that she had to do. I believe that she was tired of being labeled as stupid because of her skin color and was literally ready to fight for what was hers.

    Truth is though that you should never harm another person to get what you want. That she did do. I really don't blame her though. Had I been in her position I probably would've responded the same exact way. It wouldn't have made it right but atleast I would've gotten a clearer understanding of how she was feeling.

  79. With the Civil Rights Act just in motion most black became more proud of them selves because they can now be some what called equals with white people. And Rosaleen who had the right to vote felt that the guys didnt respect that she was now a equal to them and gets mad at he for voting.
    I believe Rosaleen could have dealt with the situation a little better than she did.
    Its unlawful to hurt/harm someone, justifiable, depending on what the three men said or did, would tell me if it was justifiable or not.

  80. In the first chapter it shows us that jim crow laws are alive and well. This was a time where the constitution said we were equal but black people all knew just some papers would not make them equal. This man named T.ray was a peach farmer who was all work and no play. He made lily not read when other parents would have been jumping thru hoops to see their child pick up a book. lily and T.ray were torn apart over lily's mom who he says left her and only came back to get her clothes and that lily shot her. Rooslean was also beaten almost to deaf for wanting to have her rights and was not going to be denied this time. This chapter was setting the mood of the story that shows us lily grew up without a mother and really without a father.

  81. Civil Rights mean people have the right to be treated the same regardless what race,gender or relgion.African Americans were treated badly.Rosaleen was just trying to do what was right and she wanted to be able to make a change.

    Is it right to justify well no because you dont deserve to harm nobody in any manner.I understand that what Rosaleen did but she was defending herself.Sometimes you just have to treat people the way you want to be treated meaning if you go around talking mess about somebody,don't thing your going to get away with that because along the way somebody is coming to take pride away from you......

  82. Civil rights was a law put into play to prevent discrimination against african americans.African americans mainly in the south were being mistreated and didnt have the right to do much of anything.Eventually they became tired of the mistreatment and fought back with protests,sit-ins,and boycotts.The acts of non-violents hit the government hard and they had no choice but to give the blacks what the wanted which was to be treated fairly.Although this law was put into affect many people didnt follow it, causing the battle of racial equality to rage on.
    During this time period the civil rights act was just put into play and blacks finally had the right to vote.I believe Rosaleen finally felt like she was an equal,and didnt think she should hve to take the disrespect anymore.I do believe Rosaleen was justified in her action because the men had no right to taunt her the way they did.I do not believe it is justifiable to hurt or harm another person for any reasons other than self defense.

  83. The changes taking place at the time were the Voting Rights Act, which helped give African-Americans the rights to vote. This time period was a time in which discrimination was supposed to end; as well as racism and segregation. Many boycotts were taking place amongst the blacks, trying to earn, not certain, but equal rights. Lily's aggravation of being belittled because of skin color might've caused her to do what she did.
    I do not think that her actions were justifiable. In a situation like that, she is supposed to stay humbled and keep her cool. Instead, he lost her cool and put herself in a worse situation. The white men were not following the guidelines set by 15th Amendment, due to the fact that the law amendment had just been passed. Unlike them, Lily acted as if it had been a birth law. She took her right overboard.

  84. I don’t think its right to ever be the aggressor. People should work on their tolerance levels, because the situation could have turned out different with Rosaline and the white men. It’s never justifiable to hurt or harm anyone but people should be punished for their actions, but doing what others do to you is only vengeance.

    Rosaleen is just as guilty as the white man for her actions. She wasn't an equal in their eyes. But I understand where Roseleen is coming from with her with her emotions.

  85. Theme for chapter two!!!

    “Fighting won’t solve anything, it’s not the way”

    The theme is basically saying fighting sometimes don’t solve anything because in the end you still have a problem with that person.
