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Monday, March 22, 2010

Chapter 4 Class Discussion

“Why doesn’t Lily want to tell her story right away?” Lily and Rosaleen is currently living at the bee farm with the Calendar Sisters. “What motivates Lily to do what she does in the story thus far?” We have learned that Rosaleen is Lily’s caretaker, but why does Lily get so upset with Rosaleen for doing things such as belching, or any other unmannered action? In retrospect, who acts more of like a mother to whom?

Please develop the aforementioned questions into at least one detailed paragraph.


  1. Lily dosent tell her story right away because she dosen't want the Calender sister would report them to the police and lily would have to go back to her father.Yes Rosaleen is liluy caretake but lily acts as more of the mother,she gets upset with rosaleen for belching because it was rude and she didnt want them thinking they were those type of people

  2. Lily doesn't want to tell her story right away because she knows that there is a possiblity that she may not find the answers that she is looking for when it comes to her mother. Lily's motivation for going this far is hoping that the Calendar sisters indeed know who her mother was. Lily also gets upset with Rosaleen because she feels that by Rosaleen acting the way that she does counts as being ungrateful to the sisters who took them in. Lily acts more like the mother because she is the one who led them away from there old life and is trying to help them find a new one for the better of her and Rosaleen.

  3. The reason why Lily doesn't want to tell them right away because she's afraid they would turn her and rosaleen in and she would have to go back to T-Ray's. The thing that motivates Lily is finding out something about her mother. Lily believes that Rosaleen should act more lady like and not do most of the unmannered things she does. That is mainly how Lily seems more like the mother between the two, because she's usually the one with the plan and Rosaleen is always looking toward her for the next step.

  4. Lily wants to find out more about her mother, and if she tells the story whe want get that chance. Lily acts more of the mother than Rosaleen because she knows where to go and that Rosaleen is a negro she cant really do much.It was rude to Belch and Lily didn't want the calender sisters to think that they had no manners.

  5. Lily doesn't tell her story right a way becasue she is afraid that the calander sisters will find out about her. Anything about Lily's mother motivates her. She wants to know if the calander sisters know anything of her mother. Lily think that Rosaleena is ungrateful, she never appreciates things such as Lily getting her out of jail. Lily acts more like a mother because she is alwasys in control and telling Rosaleena what to do.

  6. Lily thought that if she tell her story about why she really did what she did they wouldnt take her and rosaleen. And lily knew and felt that she was in the right place in finding about her mom. What motivates her is finding her mom and what is the reason her mom had a black mary picture and what it represent. lily gets upset because she didnt want rosaleen to behave like she doesnt know any better.To me i think that lily does then rosaleen because she knows that if she didint keep an eye on her that they will evenually find out about every thing.

  7. Lily dont tell her story right away because she might think the calender sisters would not let them stay when they got there. Lily gets upset because Rosaleen would not say sorry for what she did.

  8. lily doesn't want to tell her story right away becsuse she dont know the answer she is looking for. lily get motivates when she find out about her mom she act more like a mother then rosaleen. lily think rosaleen sholud be more lady like.

  9. Lily has a story but she just wouldn't tell the Calendar Sisters right away. She didn't let them know of the story right away bacause she's sort of afraid of their reaction, as to what they would've done, if they knew. Lily's motivation for what she's been doing is her desperate want for closure. Lily gets upset with Rosaleen when she does anything in an unmannered way because she wants Rosaleen to act a certain way and to not let the stereotypes be proven right. Lily has to keep Rosaleen acting right because in those days, Negroes weren't really out with the general population and they weren't taught manners or anything of the sort. Depending on the setting, I'd have to say that, they switch the mother role. If they're out somewhere that does not accept Rosaleen, Lily would play as the mother and when they're at home, they'd switch roles.

  10. Lily doesn't want to come right out woth her story because she isn't totally sure if the Calendar sisters ever really knew her mother. Actually, she only ended up at their house on a whim. Her only motivation is finding out about her mother.
    Lily is embarassed by the manners that Rosaleen dispalys because she is a reflection of Lily and hey are house guests. I feel like Rosaleen has motherly qualities but Lily has become more of a woman slowly during her quest for herself.

  11. Ok fisrt of all let me say that Lily and Rosaleen are runaways, and they are considered missgin if the calenders sisters knew that they were runaways they probably turn in. Lily knew that if they she would go back to T ray and Rosaleen would go back to jail and maybe get killed. I guess that Lilty was mad in the sense of Roaslaeen belching in front of the calender sister because, they have mamnners they have a nice house, there some good lookin black wowmen compared to Rosaleen being a house maid. I guess she didnt want them to look down on her, and the calender sister dont act in that manneer and i guess lily didnt want Rosaleen to act like that in front of them. Also Lily does act more like a mother to Roasleen the Rosaleen act like a mother to lily because Lily look out foR Rosaleen alot.

  12. the reason lily doesnt tell her story upfront is because she thinks august will send her back to her father if she knew waht they had done. Lily is motivated by her mother to find out whether she was there in tiburon or not and what she was there for. Rosaleen was bein rude and acted as if she didnt have any manners. Lily didnt want august to think that they were unmannered people. Lily is more of a mom because she tells rosaleen what to do and what not to do.

  13. lily doesnt tell the calender sisters the truth right away because she doesnt want them to send her back home. the thought of having to go back home and dealing with her father, and the thought of what would happen to rosaleen if they go back motivated lily to lie.I think lily just wants rosaleen to act more lady like and be the image of what she thinks a mother she be. I believe both of them act like mothers to each other but lily in my mind would have to be bossier than rosaleen.

  14. Lily doesnt want to tell her story right away because she doesnt want to risk finding out more information about her mother. She wants to make sure they know about her mother before she tells them the truth. I think the only thing that motivates her is a family and anything that has to do with her mother. She wants to feel loved and have a real family. I think Lily gets upset with Rosaleen because she feels she is being disrespectful in a way by not caring about the way that she acts and not having any manners. I dnt believe Rosaleen is acting this way on purpose, she just doesnt know any better. I think Lily does act more like a mother than Rosaleen because she is leading the way and taking control of everything like a mother would lead a child.

  15. Lily doesn’t want them to know the real reason because she feels she has to gain their trust, so they don’t report her to the police. She also wants to learn what her mom sees in this place and a place to stay away from his dad. Lily gets mad because she feels that she is a reflection to her and need the folks to think she is a respectable person. Lily acts more like the mother to Rosaleen because lily acts more mature.

  16. she doesnt wont them to report her for runnin away and plus she was wit rosaleen and she was in trouble wit the law. her motivation is her mother and her not knowin that much about her mother and where she is. rosaleen is a reflection of lily cause she is ha nanny. rosaleen act more like the ma figure than lily cause she takes care of lily still

  17. Lily doesn’t want them to know the real reason because she feels she has to gain their trust, so they don’t report her to the police. She also wants to learn what her mom sees in this place and a place to stay away from his dad. Lily gets mad because she feels that she is a reflection to her and need the folks to think she is a respectable person. Lily acts more like the mother to Rosaleen because lily acts more mature.

  18. Demetruce "MeatBoi" McNealMarch 22, 2010 at 10:32 AM

    Lily didn't tell her story right away because she didn't want the sisters to report them to the police for two reasons.One was if she told her story right away she would have to go back to her father and two with rosaleen being her caretaker she wanted to protect her from being caught by the police because she was already in enough trouble.To me Rosaleen is the most motherly one because she is more matured than Lily.When Rosaleen bleached the clothes the reason Lily got upset was because she didn't want the sisters to make it seem they are that type of people.

  19. Lily feared telling her story because she think that the sisters are going run and find t-ray and tell him to come get them.
    Lily act more like a mother to rosaleen because she was trying to teach her some manners.

  20. Lily didnt want to tell her story because she felt as if they wasnt goin to let her and Rosaleen stay and they were goin to report it to the police. her motivation is her mother she wants to find out more about the house.Lily got mad because she feels shes a reflection of her other and want them to feel that she is a respectable person.Rosaleen act more as a mother because she is the more matured person than lily.

  21. Lily thinks that if she tells the Calender sisters their true story that they will not let them stay there and that they would turn them in for being runaways. She is motivated by the fact that the Calender sisters knew her mother. Rosaleen is the caretaker of Lily but Rosaleen did little unmannered stuff that Lily didn't want her to do to the Calender sisters to think they were mean folk. I believe that Rosaleen could've acted like the parent but they would have probably said she kidnapped her or something. Rosaleen acts more like the child than the mother, Lily acts like the mother.

  22. Lilly realizes that now that she has a roof over her head, until she can figure out where she can go, she needs to keep quiet about her being a runaway because the sisters could autimatically call the police. But even though Rosaleen is her caretaker and much older than Lilly, Rosaleen does not know how to show respectable manners while living with the sisters and Lilly is extremely emberassed by this. So in this case Lilly acts more of a mother to Rosaleen.

  23. She doesn’t want them to know where they came from. She doesn’t want them to know that Rosaleen got beat. So far her motivation seems to be survival. Everything she has done is to be away and free from her previous living situation. She wants to her to be more like her mother, and belching would not be considered lady well at least in the image that lily has of her mother.Lily acts more like the mother most of the time.

  24. Lily can’t tell her story right away because she’s afraid that the Calendar Sisters will turn her into the police and she would be sent back to T-Ray. To keep that from happening she lies to the Sisters. I think Lily got as far as she did because of her mother. She believes strongly that her mother is her guardian angel and she watches over her. To me Lily is more like a mother to Rosaleen then Rosaleen is to Lily. First, Lily broke Rosaleen out of jail. Second, Lily stole a can of stuff for Rosaleen. Lily seems like she's taking more care of Rosaleen then Rosaleen taking care of Lily. Lily gets mad at Rosaleen for belching because that's stuff that a women shouldn't do. Lily wants Rosaleen to be more women like.

  25. Reason Lily didn't tell the right away because she would fear that the Calender Sisters would tell the police. Lily would be punished by T.Ray, & Rosaleen Would beating again by the police. Lily get upset with Rosaleen because of the fact that she bleached the Calender Sisters cloths & Lily didn't want them to think that they were that type people.

  26. She didn't tell her story right because she was scared that the sisters was going to find out who was her father & if they did they would have taken Rosaleen back to jail. She is not trying to live T-Ray again & her mother. She wants Rosaleen to act like a lady. Rosaleen would still play as the mother. If Rosaleen wasn't taken to jail, Lily might not had ran away in the beginning.

  27. Lily does not tell her story because she is probably afraid that word would get out about her and Rosaleen whereabouts and T. Ray would have to bring them back home. So far Lily's motivation is closure & a need for a mother's touch..when its comes to who is more of a mother, it is kinda a bit of role reversal..Lily acts more motherly towards Rosaleen and that is why Lily gets so upset when Rosaleen doesnt act ladylike

  28. Cause she knows the sisters going to turn her around and call her dad and send Rosalina back to Jail. The reason she ran way because she is tired of living with t-Ray and is stupid way of punishment. She think is unlady like and she and Rosalina did not have any manners. Lilly act like the mother a Rosalina act like a little child at times.

  29. Cause she knows the sisters going to turn her around and call her dad and send Rosalina back to Jail. The reason she ran way because she is tired of living with t-Ray and is stupid way of punishment. She think is unlady like and she and Rosalina did not have any manners. Lilly act like the mother a Rosalina act like a little child at times.

  30. Lily doesnt want to tell her story right away because she feels that she is suppose to be there and she is afraid that if she tells her real story, they will send her back to her father/T-Ray.I think lily's motivation is knowing that she may find out more about her mother.Lily dosent want rosaleen to get them put out for being rude. I think that lily is more like the mother.
    -Jalisa DeLoach

  31. Lily does not tell her story right away because she is worried that word will come out about her and rosaleen and she will be forced back to T-ray. Lily acts the way she does because she is mature. She acts more of the mother than Rosaleen is why she gets upset with Rosaleen for acting unlady like. Lily's motivation is her love and the search for her mother.

  32. Lily doesn't want to tell her story right away because she knows that there is a possiblity that she may not find the answers that she is looking for when it comes to her mother.Lily was upset with rosaleen when she belched because it was rude for her to do that and its not polite.Lily was acting more like a mother to rosaleen

  33. Lily does not tell her story right away because she is worried that word will get out and she eill be forced back to T-ray. Lily acts how she do cause she is mature. Lily acts more of the mother than Rosaleen thats why lily gets mad at her for acting unlady like. Lily's motivation is her love and search for her mother.

  34. She wants to find information. I believe she is afraid if she told she would be forced to return to T.Ray.Lily acts more of a mother to Rosaleen

  35. Lily doesn’t want to discuss the story right away reason why. She might thinks august will send her back to her father if she knew what they had done. Her motivation was her mother and her not having much knowledge about her mother and where she was at that time period. Lily acts more like the mother most of the time.

  36. Lily wants info about her mother and other things that she dont know about , Lily acts more of the mother than Rosaleen because she knows where to go and that Rosaleen is black she cant really do much.where they are located in the book

  37. Lily didnt want to tell her story right away because, she wanted to settle down for a minute. she wanted a place to stay and get her act together.Lily probably thought if she had talk soon they would have probably let her and rosaleen go.I think what motivates her is the atmosphere she is getting around the sisters.Lily is also mature.Lily acts more like a mom then rosaleen.

  38. She didnt want to tell her story yet because she didnt want them to know that they ran away or really know why they are there in the first place.She also didnt want them to call the police or report them.The thing that motivates Lily is that she want to find out more information about her mother and why she left her.Lily is embarassed because Rosaleen is not acting like a lady and they are house guest to the calender sisters.Rosaleen was but as Lily is starting to adventure out more on her own and take care of herself she is starting to act very more mature.

  39. Lily doesn't tell her story right away because she doesn't want the calendar sisters to know that she ran away form home. What motivates Lily is her mother. She wants to know more about her mother and she knew the calendar sisters knew her mother. Lily gets upset because it shows a sign of disrespect and Lily acts like more of the mother.

  40. Lily doesn't tell her story right away because she is worried that word will get out and she eill be forced back to T-ray. Lily acts how she do cause she is mature. Lily acts more of the mother than Rosaleen thats why lily gets mad at her for acting unlady like. Lily's motivation is her love and search for her mother.

  41. Eventhough she might be setting a bad example, to me, Lily is like the mother figure. She lied her way through the house of the "calender sisters" to have a place to stay. I believe that was a worthy lie for the situation they were in.

  42. Once Lily arrived at the Boatwright sisters house she started back up with more lies, but I suspect that August saw right though them from the first time she saw Lily. For the most part, Lily and Rosaleen still got accepted by the Boatwright sisters, though June was openly opposed to it. I think Lily got the freedom she wanted.

  43. Cortez Mos ' Flyy Sailor$$March 23, 2010 at 12:13 PM

    She dosen't want to tell her story because she feels like the truth will ruin everythinq . What motivates her is her feelinqs , thouqhts , & wonders about her mother . She thinks that those are not qood manners & by them beinq quest at someone elses house it is rude . So in a way Lily shows parentinq .

  44. Lily looks at rosaleen as a mother. She gets upset with her for being rude, because she wants her "mother" to have manners. She wants Rosaleen to be polite. She dosen't tell her story right away because she dosen't want the sisters to kick her out. She wants time to be around females and act as sisters. I think she is motivated by the child's need of a mother.

  45. Lily doesn’t won’t to tell them because she is afraid that it won’t get her the information she wants. The picture of the black Mary what her mother owned motivates her to go to Tiburon and look for the picture of the Black Mary. Lily is upset with Rosaleen because she feels that Rosaleen is being ungrateful for what is being done for them. Lily acts more as the mother because she led them to where they are now and did it all alone. Rosaleen just tagged alone and did as Lily told her because he didn’t know what to do.

  46. Lily doesn't feel like its the right time to tell her story, yet. Her motivation thus far is her being able to gain information on the history of her mother's whereabouts.She gets mad at Rosaleen because dhe cares for her so much. Lily doesn't want anything unfair to happened to Rosaleen.

  47. The reason Lily does not tell the sisters her story right then and there because she fell that they will turn her away and not help her. Lily wants to know more about her motherr and if they knew her. What ever lily her about her mother makes her even more happier because she want to know how she was and who all knew her. Lily is like mature she gets upset with rosaleen because she is doing things that she should say excuse me for. Lily does not want the sisters to think bad of them because the way rosaleen acts. Rosaleen is her care taker but Lily act as if she was the mother of her...

  48. In Tiburon, Lily sees the same Black Madonna adorning a bottle of honey at a diner. She and Rosaleen go to find the woman who makes it, August Boatwright, who lives with her sisters May, who is a bit light-headed and traumatized about the death of her twin sister April. There is also June, who is an ardent feminist. They had the names of the calendar because their mother enjoyed spring time. august was the angry one who did not like lilly because her lies she keep telling..

  49. The reason why Lily doesn't tell her story right away is that she doesn't want them to find out what really happened and probably get kicked out the house. What makes Lily does these things is that she doesn't have a place to go so she stays with the Calendar sisters for protection and the safety of not going back home. Lily gets mad at Rosaleen for the unmannered things that she does because Rosaleen is not lady-like at some points of the story. I think August acts more of a mother to Lily than Rosaleen does to Lily.

  50. Jacquavious EgglestonMarch 23, 2010 at 12:18 PM

    Lily doesnt tell here story right away because she wants to really find out about her mother and she dont want to be snitched on to the cops.The motivation to Lily is to find out about her mother cause she really dont know who she is.Rosaleen was acting very crazy to the people who did a good deed by taking them in.Also Rosaleen is suppose to be the caretaker of Lily but Lily acts like more of the mother and Rosaleen as child.

  51. She doesn’t tell her story right away because she doesn’t know how the sisters would react to the fact that she ran away from home and that Rosaleen is a fugitive. She does all that because she doesn’t want to go back with T-ray. She gets mad because she doesn’t want the sisters to look at them as if they are unmannered people. Lily acts more like a mother to rosaleen because she feels that rosaleen doesn’t know how to act in public so she has to teach her.

  52. Lily doesn't want to tell her story right away because she was scared. she was thinking that the sisters will not let her stay in her house if thay know about her.

  53. Because she doesnt know how August will take it. Shes afraid she wont let her stay. Lily's motivation is finding out about her mother. Because she doesnt want them to think lower of them She wants to act well mannered and presentable. Ms. August acts like a mother to all and expetialy Lily because she knows her story.

  54. lily wasnt wrong to want to know the truth about her mother. but she shouldnt have lied to them it could of made things very bad when she told them the truth. her actions was understandable she was heartbroken and scared that her mother might not have loved her and she couldnt accept that. lily acts more like the mother because she tries to make rosaleen be polite like a mother does her child.

  55. Lily didnt want to tell the family right then because she didnt want to look like she was a bad person for running off from home. Lily was on a mission to find out every little detail about her mother. Lily was mad at Rosaleen because she felt like the mother or guardian of the relationship by telling her what to do. She didnt want to look like they were rude people in front of the sisters.

  56. Lily didn’t come straight out with the truth because she felt like it would mess up everything she wanted to know about her mother. I believe her guy friend, I for got his name, but he motivated her to tell the truth. He told her to tell the truth because in the end at least you told the truth. You won’t feel guilty.

  57. Lily doesn't tell her story right away because she was scared that they would tell the police and send rosaleen back to jail, and lily back to her father. Lily decides to keep the truth a secret until it was a better time. In the meantime, Lily and Rosaleen enjoy there time in August's mansion and learn new things at the same time. They also learned about why the honey jars have a colored mary also.

  58. Lily didin't want to tell her story right away because she didn't want them to end up calling T.ray. So far getting away from T.ray is the olny thing keeping her going. Lily has manners but Rosaleen doesn't. Lily is like the caretaker in this duo.

  59. Lily didnt tell her story right away because she dont want the Calender sister to tell the police and lily would have to go back to her father. She's also trying to find out more about her mother.

  60. Lily doesn't want to tell her story right away because she feels that the Calendar sisters will turn them in to the police. If the sisters knew the real reason why she was there they would reject her or will not let her stay the house. She wanted to find out whether or not they knew anything about her mother and what was the true meaning behind the picture she kept for so long.Lily has done the things she ahs done because she is seeking the life about her mother and what kind of life she lived. She also wanted to know how the calendar sisters were connected to her mother.Lily was upset with Rosaleen because she was acting like she didnt have manners and Lily was scared that the sisters were going to put her out. Lily acts more like the mother because she makes sure Rosaleen is behaving and not telling what the sisters what she doesn't want them to know. She needed guidance in order to keep everything running smoothly.

  61. I belive Lily doesn't tell the sisters the truth right away because she doesn't trust them just yet. She might be scared that they will turn on around and reject them. And I belive that what motivates Lilly the most would be her want to protect Rosaleen, and also wanting to know more about her mother. Rosaleen is her caretaker, so its like she is a stand-in-mother. But lily acts more like the parent in this pairing, taking the shame for the childs actions. Another way you could tell that she acts the parent is that so far she's the one thats been making the decisions for the 2 of them. So in this situation i would say that Lily is really the parent.

  62. I belive Lily doesn't tell the sisters the truth right away because she doesn't trust them just yet. She might be scared that they will turn on around and reject them. And I belive that what motivates Lilly the most would be her want to protect Rosaleen, and also wanting to know more about her mother. Rosaleen is her caretaker, so its like she is a stand-in-mother. But lily acts more like the parent in this pairing, taking the shame for the childs actions. Another way you could tell that she acts the parent is that so far she's the one thats been making the decisions for the 2 of them. So in this situation i would say that Lily is really the parent.
